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NCA Group Ratings Ranked Most Important in 21 st Century Ranked Least Important in 21 st Century Group Rankings.

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Presentation on theme: "NCA Group Ratings Ranked Most Important in 21 st Century Ranked Least Important in 21 st Century Group Rankings."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCA Group Ratings Ranked Most Important in 21 st Century Ranked Least Important in 21 st Century Group Rankings

2 NCA Group Ratings Highest Ranked for Use/Enforcement Lowest Ranked for Use / Enforcement Group Ratings

3 Ethics & Moral Reasoning Chapter 3

4 Moral Reasoning O Systematic approach O Structured logical arguments O Three areas of knowledge and skill needed: O Moral context O Philosophical foundation O Critical thinking

5 Context of Moral Reasoning O Context O Decision making O Cultural environment O Economic Impact

6 Confucius O “Equilibrium and harmony” O “Equilibrium (chung) is the great root from which grow all human actings in the world. And... Harmony (yung) is the universal path” (Four Books, Vol. 1, 1.4, 1.5)

7 Philosophical Foundations O Ancient Greece provides moral sense O Socratic dialogue Socrates

8 O The Republic O Athenian Democracy O Reason and Wisdom O Higher moral “good” O One should never do wrong in return, nor mistreat any man, no matter how one has been mistreated by him.” (Crito, 49c) Plato

9 O Virtue Ethics O Golden Mean O Character O Evil Aristotle

10 Example of the finding the mean: Social Drinking Excess Middle Ground Deficiency Overdoing Virtue Underdoing

11 Care-Based Ethics O Foundation of world’s major religions O Golden Rule O Judaism: What is hated unto you, do not to your friend (Talmud) O Christianity: 1 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. (Luke 6:31) O Buddhism: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.(Udanavarga 5:18) O Hinduism: One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Other behavior is due to selfish desires.(Anusasana Parva, CXIII, Verse 8) O Islam: “None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” (An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith 13,56) O Bahai: Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.(Bahá'u'lláh [35][36])

12 Kant and Moral Duty O “Act on that maxim which you will to become a universal law” O Categorical Imperative O Moral Behavior O Deontological Ethics O Absolutist O Concrete and predictable O Short-coming: dilemma between two equal principles

13 Utilitarianism O John Stuart Mills & Jeremy Betham O Mills: “Seek the greatest happiness for the aggregate whole.” O Consequence over Ethics O Happiness O Benefit versus Harm O Teleological Base O Positive results matter O Egoists

14 Social Contract O Enlightenment Period O Reason & science O Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean Jacque Rousseau O Ethical norms respected if society agrees

15 Rawl’s Veil of Ignorance O John Rawl, A Theory of Justice O Utilitarianism O Fairness is fundamental idea in concept of justice O Cases of fairness O Easy = arithmetic fairness O Veil of Ignorance O Uses “original position” to determine outcomes O Two primary principles formulated “behind the veil”

16 Behind the veil

17 Feminist Ethics O Critiques traditional theories O Public versus private domains

18 Relativism O Bertrand Russell & John Dewey O Progressivism O Moral agents determine right and wrong based on individual perspectives and values O Situationists

19 Deontological Theory of Moral Reasoning O (Duty-Based) O Deon = Duty O Absolutist O Non – consequentialist O Judges morality of action based on action’s adherence to rules that bind you to duty O Disregards consequences O Individual motives are important O People should be treated with respect

20 Contemporary Deontology O Duty-based with exceptions O “Principle of Permissible Harm” O Frances Kamm O Relies heavily on categorical imperative O Allows considered case judgments

21 Teleological Theories O Consequentialist O Looks for positive results over right or wrong O Minimize injury to others O Procedure for addressing moral dilemma O Extremes O Egoists Utilitarian

22 Critical Thinking O Basis of moral reasoning O Consists of: O Knowledge O Ability to identify problems O Identify all relevant information O Identify all assumptions O Evaluate alternatives and make decisions

23 SAD Formula O S = Situational definition O A = analysis of situation, application of moral theories O D = Decision or ethical judgement

24 Situational Definition Description of Facts Identify conflicting values or principles Statement of ethical issue. Analysis debate relative importance of conflicting values or principles consider possibility of external factors consider: "what do we usually do?" consider duties to you, colleagues, sources, advertisers, society Discussion of applicable theories Decision make final decision justify final decision based on likely criticism from detractors and support with moral theory

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