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Anna Margot Brisky Grand Canyon University: MIN 630 0August 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Margot Brisky Grand Canyon University: MIN 630 0August 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Margot Brisky Grand Canyon University: MIN 630 0August 27, 2014

2  Definition  History  Need for Mentoring  Components  Developing Mentoring Relationship  Leadership Qualities  Q & A Section

3 Definitional Framework Mentor “One who agrees to be a steward of another’s maturity-spiritual, intellectual and emotional- through a concrete solidarity with the unique personal needs” (Beaudoin, 2003, p. 15) Mentoring Process of passing down and adopting traditions, talents, and molding leaders (Moberg & Velasquez, 2004) Mentoring Relationship An agreement (spoken or unspoken) between two or more people where an older more experienced person provides guidance or supervises the younger person through life situations (GCU, 2010).

4 History of Mentoring Historical Mentoring relationship goes back to Genesis 2 Partner for Adam Mentoring relationship goes back to Genesis 2 (Beaudoin, 2003) Cultural Ancient Greece in Homer’s Odyssey Flourished during Renaissance Aristotle & Alexander the Great Charles Hamilton & Thurgood Marshall (Moberg & Velasquez, 2004).

5 The Need for Mentoring Many youth are without positive role models Youth related issues rise each year Mentors affects youths by enhancing Social relationships Emotional well-being Improving cognitive skills Promoting positive identify development Build future leaders (GCU, 2010)

6 Components of a Mentoring Relationship Mentors give’s themselves away Experiences; expertise; gifts (Stoddard & Tamasy, 2009) Mutual sharing Guide mentoring partner to pursue goals Asking the right questions Always incorporate and share the word of God

7 Developing Mentoring Relationship Keller’s 5 stages Contemplation: Thinking about mentor and relationship Initiation: Making the decision Growth and maintenance: Time spent together; doing life Decline and dissolution: Beginning to outgrow relationship Redefinition: Moving forward with life or establishing friendship (GCU, 2010)

8 Leadership Qualities “Effective mentoring begins with the heart” (Stoddard & Tamasy, 2009) Deals with whole person Give and take relationship Openness and Transparency Servant leadership heart to portray emotional intelligence Portray vision for future Submit to will of God

9 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” (GNT)

10 Illustration in today’s culture Avoid putting hope in material things Become grounded in scripture Mutual sharing of spirituality Become other-centered (Stoddard & Tamasy, 2009)

11 “Do you understand what I have just done to you?” he asked. 13 “You call me Teacher and Lord, and it is right that you do so, because that is what I am. 14 I, your Lord and Teacher, have just washed your feet. You, then, should wash one another's feet. 15 I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you. 16 I am telling you the truth: no slaves are greater than their master, and no messengers are greater than the one who sent them. 17 Now that you know this truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice! (GNT)

12 Exhibited in Youth Culture Today Literally wash other’s feet Focus on change from inside out (Stoddard & Tamasy, 2003) Build them up & break barriers down Uncover and address mentoring partner’s spiritual side Submissiveness and humility

13 “But as for you, continue in the truths that you were taught and firmly believe. You know who your teachers were, 15 and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, 17 so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed” (GNT).

14 Youth Mentoring Demonstration Consistent reminder of personal goals Begin to think about what is unknown Future goals Spiritual questions “Be short on words and long on service” (Stoddard & Tamasy, 2009)

15 Q & As Q. Why would I want to be a mentor? A. We are called to be disciples. It is through the process of discipleship that one can serve others in a mentoring capacity. Q. Who do I mentor? A. There are many people in need of a mentoring relationship, although not all of them realize this need. If you reach out to enough people, someone is bound to reach back Q. How do I know I would make a good mentor? A. You don’t. The only way to become a good mentor is to practice and continue to mentor to different individuals. It is also vital to allow yourself to be mentored. Q. What if a person I am mentoring ends up turning away from Christ? A. Mentoring is a journey, and not everyone is ready to give up their life of sin in order to make a positive change for their futures. As a mentor, you may not win every person to Christ, but it all starts with a seed. Q. If I am a mentor do I need someone to mentor me? A. Yes. It is essential for a mentor to have a mentor of their own in order to be certain that they do not start taking on the problems of their mentoring partners in addition to their own life situations.

16 References Beaudoin, T. (2003, Jul). A spirituality of mentoring. America, 189, 14. Retrieved from Grand Canyon University. (2010). MIN-630 module 1 lecture notes: The importance of mentoring. Retrieved from https://lc- Books/loudbooks.html?viewPage=current&operation=innerPage&currentTopicname=The% 20Importance%20of%20Mentoring&topicMaterialId=9eed1336-a53e-4e4e-959a- 77ceddac4452&contentId=dcf25719-35c0-4874-a07b-b65a81af2c7b& Grand Canyon University. (2010). MIN-630 module 2 lecture notes: A Collaborative Definition of Mentoring. Retrieved from https://lc- Books/loudbooks.html?currentTopicname=A%20Collaborative%20Definition%20of%20Me ntoring&viewPage=current&operation=innerPage&topicMaterialId=d557a921-e8de-4a00- 8784-4af7f2d68ecb&contentId=46efc59a-f64d-409c-9f0e-ccd4167f748b& Moberg, D. J., & Velasquez, M. G. (2004). The ethics of mentoring. Business Ethics Quarterly, 14(1), 95-122. Stoddard, D. A., & Tamasy, R. J. (2009). The heart of mentoring: Ten principles for developing people to their fullest potential. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.

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