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The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany 1.Bavarian Syllabus for Aircraft Engine Mechanics and Aircraft Mechanics from July.

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Presentation on theme: "The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany 1.Bavarian Syllabus for Aircraft Engine Mechanics and Aircraft Mechanics from July."— Presentation transcript:

1 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany 1.Bavarian Syllabus for Aircraft Engine Mechanics and Aircraft Mechanics from July 1987 Unterrichtsfächer (subjects): Fachtheorie (theoretically knowledge) Praktische Fachkunde (practical training) Fachrechnen (technical mathematics/ subjects-spezified mathematics) Fachzeichnen (technical drawings and design) and: Religionslehre oder Ethik (religion or ethics) Deutsch (German) Sozialkunde (social studies) Sport (sports)

2 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany Features: For every subject a spezified teacher e. g. in the classroom and in the workshop. Every teacher designs his lessons alone. Every teacher knows exactly what he should teach. Mainly teaching from the front (teacher is the chief!!)

3 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany 2.Syllabus for the Vocational Schools in Bavaria for Aircraft Mechanics from 1997 Lerngebiete (learning areas): Englisch (technical English) Flugtechnik (aerodynamics, instruments, engines, physics,...) Fertigungstechnik (technology, materials,...) Systemtechnik (working with computers, hydraulic, electric,...) Technische Kommunikation (technical drawings and design) and: Religionslehre, Deutsch, Sozialkunde, Sport

4 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany Features: No practical training! A teacher in the workshop is not neccessary. Sometimes 2 – 3 teachers teach the same subject or parts of it. Not every teacher knows exactly what he should teach, because the syllabus is only a draft!! Mainly teaching from the front (teacher is the chief!!) Mathematics are included in all subjects.

5 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany 3.Syllabus for the Vocational Schools in the City of Hamburg for Aircraft Mechanics from 2001 or Framework Curriculum for the Vocational Schools in Germany for Electricians for Aircraft Systems from 2003 Lernfelder (subject areas/fields): Fluggerätstrukturen in Leichtbauweise manuell herstellen (manual manufactoring of structures of aircraft in lightweight construction)...

6 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany Features: All new Framework Curricula for the Vocational Schools in Germany are divided into subject areas/fields – see KMK Handreicherung from 2000 The teacher does not exactly know what he should teach. The teachers have to work together in a team. They have to construct exemplary learning situations (Lernsituationen) The teacher´s rule changes – he is a coach

7 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany Features: It is a task based learning The student has: to search for information (orientieren und informieren) to check / to control (prüfen) to analyze, to plan, to decide (auswerten, planen und entscheiden) to make / to operate (durchführen) to control (kontrollieren)

8 The different Types of Syllabi at the Vocational Schools in Germany Features: The student learns: Vocational pragmatic competence (Berufliche Handlungskompetenz) Subject competence (Fachkompetenz) Social competence (Sozialkompetenz) Personal skills (Personalkompetenz) Methods skills (Methodenkompetenz) Learning skills (Lernkompetenz)

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