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The Graduate Teacher Programme

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1 The Graduate Teacher Programme
Hull Citywide GTP Partnership AN EBITT

2 What is the GTP programme?
An alternative way of qualifying to teach in Primary and Secondary schools Gives you QTS – “ Qualified Teacher Status” “ EBITT” route – Employment Based Route – employed BY A SCHOOL as an unqualified teacher

3 GTP Normally lasts 1 school year (September to July)
Unqualified teacher salary: £15,817- September 2010 Employed by a school under Teacher’s Pay and Conditions

4 Application Process Every EBITT has own process:
With Hull Citywide: Two stages Stage 1: Apply to the Partnership Stage 2: Apply to schools: all our schools are within Hull-they are our partner schools.

No age limit A bachelor’s first degree or equivalent qualification Ordinary degree (300 points –MINIMUM QUALIFICATION) Check person specification (see website) GCSE English and Maths Grade C or above (or equivalent) AND GCSE Science Grade C or above (or equivalent) - Primary applicants only

6 Advice If you are considering training to be a teacher:
Check your qualifications and the required level of school experience against the individual Provider’s expectations. Consider subject enhancement courses to boost level of Subject Knowledge.

7 M level Credits Currently available through our partnership with Edge Hill

8 Hull Citywide
Forms and documents and key dates on website Lists of partnership schools, primary and secondary.

9 Testimonials Being part of the Hull Citywide Graduate Teacher programme has been the most beneficial and challenging experience I have ever embarked upon. The support I have received in all aspects of my training has been impeccable and faultless. I have found sharing good practice is the only way to progress in teaching and through the meetings and training we have received through the Hull Citywide programme this has always been possible”

10 Primary testimonials I felt very welcome in my schools and all of the staff were very welcoming, friendly and helpful. My School Based Trainer has been very thorough and has given me feedback constructively and immediately” “Programme was very tailored to meet my needs. A lot of support from mentor, School Liaison Officer and classroom based trainers in my school. I never felt “out on a limb” and I have had invaluable support from them with everything, including applying for jobs” “Excellent support throughout the course – particularly in relation to constructive feedback on teaching. Also lots of opportunities to experience new practices and projects e.g. work with Creative Partnerships, Restorative Practices, Reading Recovery Programme”

11 Common Questions Do I have to teach straight away?
How will my training be supported? How will I be I assessed? What are the Q Standards? How is my training quality-assured? Where in the world is QTS gained through the GTP Programme recognised?

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