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October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Learning to Embrace Hosted VoIP TM

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2 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Learning to Embrace Hosted VoIP TM Improving the way the world communicates one business at a time.

3 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California What are barriers to overcome? 1.Replacement of legacy thinking 2.Clear picture of value proposition 3.FUD (fear – uncertainty – doubt) 4.Who - What - When - Why?

4 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 1. New issues to deal with when selecting telecom technology Digital…………….. TDM is dead (RIP) Mobile…………….. Mobility = “killer app” Virtual…………….. Resources are distributed Personal...……….. The employee owns the desk Integrated..………. Hosted apps popular

5 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 2. What is the value proposition? No capital investment – rent Always available - maintained off site Services on demand – use what you need No obsolescence WEB managed and trained Pay as you go … as you grow

6 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California What are the priorities? Employer –Simplicity –Convenience –Time savings –Control costs –Agility and flexibility –Competitive adv. Employee Simplicity Convenience Time Saving Personal

7 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 3. Why hosted anyway? Central office Single line sets Centrex IP Centrex Two models On premise Key System PBX VoIP Hybrid

8 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California On premises benefits Tons of features You get to install it You get to maintain it You get to upgrade it You get to own and pay for it You get to forklift it out some day

9 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Central office benefits Simple to install Simple to use Nothing to maintain Never obsolete Flexibility as you grow Easy to afford – rent

10 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California On premise model PSTN (telephone network) PSTN (telephone network) PBX Office Phone system is needed Traditional Phone System Multiple Telephone lines PBX installation cost Telephone installation cost

11 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Central office model Office Phone System is gone PSTN (telephone network) PSTN (telephone network) IP Centrex Server Hosted Phone Service Investment in equipment isn ’ t necessary Rented IP Telephone s No investment is necessary Broadband internet connection Maintained off site with 24/7 support

12 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Expansion comparison Unused Phone system with 10 extensions capacity. 8 people On premises Phone SystemHosted Internet Phone System (HIP) 8 extensions in use 9 Unused Phone system with 20 extensions capacity 11 people 11 extensions in use 8 Extensions in use 11 Extensions in use 8 people 11 people Savings Wasted investment Required to purchase more than you can useYou pay only what you use Have to buy a new system

13 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California HIP the best of both worlds On premises Features Centrex Simple Cheaper Maintained Hosted IP Phone (HIP) Systems

14 October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 4. Who – What – When - Why Do your homework –Best service and most features Select what works for your business today –Don’t worry about the guy next door – or tomorrow The sooner the better –You won’t be able to catch up if you wait Your survival as a business depends on it

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