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EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20041 Jpeg 2000: Benchmarking Overview Andrea de Polo.

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Presentation on theme: "EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20041 Jpeg 2000: Benchmarking Overview Andrea de Polo."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20041 Jpeg 2000: Benchmarking Overview Andrea de Polo

2 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20042 OBJECTIVE Jpeg 2000 industry status Jpeg 2000 and Alinari (including 2Kan) Jpeg 2000 benchmarking initiative: A. OBJECTIVES B. SPECS What’s next?

3 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20043 What is Wavelet compression 3-level wavelet decomposition

4 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20044 Scalability JPEG 2000 is scaleable in both SNR and resolution. –Example 1: Using JPEG 2000, a picture stored on a server has lower resolution versions embedded in the compressed data. If you wanted to view an image on a remote PDA, a lower resolution image would be extracted. No transcoding is required. If you wanted to zoom in on a part of the image, additional information would be downloaded from the image file. Resending a higher resolution version of the image is not required. Only the additional information needed to make a higher resolution version is extracted and added to the local image data. Example of resolution progressive bit-stream ordering

5 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20045 JPEG 2000 INDUSTRY STATUS Since January 2003 J2K has being introduced to the market Additional vendors are yet standing by (HP, Kodak, etc…) Adobe Apple Kakadu Jasper Algovision Aware LeadTools Pegasus

6 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20046 JPEG 2000 AND ALINARI VISION Jpeg 2000 has just way too many bells versus other file formats… Now hard to work without it! Alinari ready to jump into it by January 2004… 2Kan experience Mass market photography dtp Military and Medicine CH

7 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20047 Jpeg 2000 benchmarking initiative Started in March 2003 First report November 5th, 2003 Final report 31 December 2003

8 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20048 J2K BENCH: OBJECTIVE Initiative focus Quick adoption by major players confidence Quick adoption in the industry harmonization j2kpromotionconsolidation validation

9 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 20049 J2K: BENCH SPECIFICATIONS Technical test: LabView, MatLab, etc… A. PSNR B. Codec timing C. Sw overall performances D. Image quality Visual and Subjective test: A. Different users B. Visual differences

10 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 200410 Motion JPEG 2000 –Motion JPEG will be used in application environments where scalability, high quality, lossless coding and error resilience are required – digital photography, security, medical imaging, image databases and mobile appliances. It is important to understand that in most cases Motion JPEG 2000 will not compete with the MPEG standards –In order to maintain as much as possible areas of compatibility between MPEG and JPEG, the MP4 file format was chosen for Motion JPEG 2000. The MP4 file format is used in MPEG 4 and is derived from Quicktime. WG 1 (JPEG) WG 11 (MPEG) JPEG 2000 Part 1 - JP2 Part 3 - MJP2 (motion) MPEG 4

11 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 200411 Future of JPEG 2000 The JPEG 2000 standard is continuing to evolve. –In 2002 work on new parts begin, which use the benefits of the overall approach and support the basic core system in special fields of application. Liasons with other standardisation comittees make sure of compatibility. –MJP2 for Digital Cinema Archive - (MPEG) –Inter-frame coding (MPEG and JPEG) –Streaming for JPEG 2000 codestreams (IETF) Part8: JPSEC (Secure JPEG2000) Part9: JPIP (Interactive Prot.) Part10: JP3D (3-D Extensions) Part11: JPWL (Wireless)

12 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 200412 WHAT’S NEXT? Alinari Photo Archive conversion starting on April 2004! Goal: to see Jpeg 2000 become a de- facto industry standards soon as Spring 2004 Sharing benchmarking experience and knowledge with all of you!

13 EVA Florence, 2004Copyright Fratelli Alinari, 200413 THANK YOU ! SEE YOU ONLINE:-) ANDREA DE POLO ANDREA@ALINARI.IT

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