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Put a title that’s a “grabber” here. Put the names of the people who worked on this project here. By Insert a picture of Rachel Carson, Susan B. Anthony,

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Presentation on theme: "Put a title that’s a “grabber” here. Put the names of the people who worked on this project here. By Insert a picture of Rachel Carson, Susan B. Anthony,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Put a title that’s a “grabber” here. Put the names of the people who worked on this project here. By Insert a picture of Rachel Carson, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Sally Ride, or Eleanor Roosevelt.

2 Our Challenge In your own words, briefly describe the challenge. Insert a picture or drawing that represents the challenge.

3 Put a “catchy” name for the TV show here. Create a short introduction to the show. Hold the audience’s attention by “teasing” them with one of these phrases “It’s finally time for...” “Find out who...” “On the show today...” “Who will the winner be?” Insert a drawing that represents the TV Show.

4 Choice 1: Contestant’s name goes here. Discuss her accomplishments Describe obstacles that were overcome. Explain how they contributed to society. Explain how the world might be different without her. Insert a photo or drawing of the first contestant.

5 Choice 2: Contestant’s name goes here. Discuss her accomplishments Describe obstacles that were overcome. Explain how they contributed to society. Explain how the world might be different without her. Insert a photo or drawing of the second contestant.

6 Choice 3: Contestant’s name goes here. Discuss her accomplishments Describe obstacles that were overcome. Explain how they contributed to society. Explain how the world might be different without her. Insert a photo or drawing of the third contestant.

7 Now it’s time for the awards! In third place... Create a small congratulations speech. Include a drawing or photograph of the third place winner. (Idea: draw the person accepting the award from you!)

8 In Second Place In second place... Create a small congratulations speech. Include a drawing or photograph of the second place winner. (Idea: draw the person accepting the award from you!)

9 In First Place In first place... Create a small congratulations speech. Include a drawing or photograph of the first place winner. (Idea: draw the person accepting the award from you!)

10 Acceptance Speech Create a brief acceptance speech. Think about how this person would deliver such a speech. Include phrases like “I want to thank...” “Without … it would not have been possible” “I have some advice...” “You can accomplish your goals if you...” Include a drawing or photograph of the third place winner. (Idea: draw the person accepting the award from you!)

11 Credits Add the names of people who worked on the presentation here.

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