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That ’ s me! My name is Sivan Bar-lev, I ’ m 15, and I live in Israel. I study in the 10 th grade, and My subject is Theatre. Click for another page!

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Presentation on theme: "That ’ s me! My name is Sivan Bar-lev, I ’ m 15, and I live in Israel. I study in the 10 th grade, and My subject is Theatre. Click for another page!"— Presentation transcript:


2 That ’ s me! My name is Sivan Bar-lev, I ’ m 15, and I live in Israel. I study in the 10 th grade, and My subject is Theatre. Click for another page! Oscar

3 D-tails Here are some details about me: Birth date: 7/26/1987 Birth place: Israel, Jerusalem Hobbies: Singing, dancing, reading, traveling, Hang with my friends, listen to music –and like everybody(almost) –T.V –REBELDE WAY, channel 3 and mtv.

4 Sub –culture:introduction My subject is Israeli rap because I like this kind of music. This music has many messages to give to the society – these are their opinions about different situations.

5 Israeli - rap In Israeli rap there could be many beliefs – to each group. Take subliminal, for example. Its main belief is that Israel is a good place, and we need to live here. The main value is that Jerusalem is the most important. The norms are: wearing big wide clothes (especially black), wearing a David's shield. People who belong to this sub-culture speak mostly like the black guys in America, wave their hands like other rappers and so. They use a David shield as a symbol of their belief in Jerusalem and Israel.. Continue ….

6 Continue… People listen to this music because they like the style. In addition they want to hear what the guys have to say. I don't think there's something negative in Israeli rap. I don't know if there's a sub-culture, which disagrees with this. Anybody could belong to Israeli rap, and there's no need to do anything special.

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