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The CONFORM project Roger Barlow BASROC launch 3 rd May 2007.

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1 The CONFORM project Roger Barlow BASROC launch 3 rd May 2007

2 Accelerator Technology Accelerators are everywhere. Many different uses. Many different communities. NS-FFAG advantages Cheap, simple DC magnets. Compact design High repetition rate and duty cycle Rapid acceleration High acceptance Permanent magnets (?) Continuous operation (?) ‘Cyclotron currents at Synchrotron energies’

3 Just one thing No-one knows whether it works Can resonances be controlled/avoided?

4 CONFORM Construction of a Nonscaling FFAG for Oncology, Research and Medicine Build EMMA: 20 MeV electron prototype to demonstrate principle Design PAMELA: clinical machine for hadron therapy Investigate other applications

5 The Bid Bid to Basic Technology fund Successful and fully funded £ 6.9M awarded £ 5.5M to build EMMA Posts to design PAMELA Posts to identify and develop applications Administrator Start 1 st April (?)2007 for 3½ years

6 EMMA Design already complete last year Since then: magnets realigned, magnet shims added, fewer RF cavities Magnet prototypes now ordered (almost?) Injection and extraction seem possible

7 EMMA Team in place Strong co-operation from Daresbury Regular meetings run by Rob and Neil Design still changing Hard to establish baseline Reliance on outside expertise Will it work?

8 PAMELA Long wish-list Builders and users (medical community) in discussions about how to achieve all of these Prove proton NSFFAG works Provide ~40 MeV protons for cell studies Provide ~300 MeV protons for therapy Provide ~40 MeV/N He and C for cell studies Provide ~450 MeV/N He and C for therapy

9 PAMELA Multi-stage design (2+1 rings, or ovals) Injector and injection energy not clear: 18 MeV Cyclotron off the shelf – but only for protons 4 MeV RFQ neater – but harder p (MeV/c) E (MeV) 874 18418 27440 37070 750300

10 Applications Identified Hadron Therapy: parameters for PAMELA Cell irradiation studies Muon sources Neutron sources Neutrino factory ADSR thorium reactors Others? }}}} Surrey Leeds RAL Manchester

11 3 years time Working machine Full design for PAMELA that we can take to MRC/NHS Portfolio of other NS-FFAG designs for different communities of accelerator users

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