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Welcome to 6 th Grade Social Studies! Kimberly Chumley Curda 6 th Grade—Armadillo Team The class that will last a lifetime….

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Social Studies! Kimberly Chumley Curda 6 th Grade—Armadillo Team The class that will last a lifetime…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Social Studies! Kimberly Chumley Curda 6 th Grade—Armadillo Team The class that will last a lifetime….

2 E-MAIL anytime! 281-634-3239 Tutorials : Monday afternoon – must have ride home, no bus available

3 TEXTBOOK World Cultures and Geography - Student can take their student edition home because we will use my class set.

4 SUPPLIES Everyday 3-5 subject spiral notebook (Blue) Blue SS folder Zipper Bag with – Pencils, Pens (blue or black ink), Red grading pen/pencil, map pencils Planner Recommended Hand sharpener and/or mechanical pencils

5 Syllabus Culture Geography Government/Citizenship Economy US & Canada (History, Geography, Gov’t, Economy, & Culture) Latin America (History, Geography, Gov’t, Economy, & Culture) Europe (History, Geography, Gov’t, Economy, & Culture) North Africa & Middle East (Hist., Geog., Gov’t, Econ., & Culture) Africa south of the Sahara (Hist., Geog., Gov’t, Econ., & Culture) Asia (Hist., Geog., Gov’t, Econ., & Culture) Australia & Pacific Islands (Hist., Geog., Gov’t, Econ., & Culture)

6 School Wide Late Policy from Student/Parent Handbook All Assignments are Due on the Assigned Day 1 day late -10 points 2 days late -20 points 3 days late -30 points 4 days late -50 points After 4 th Day is Teacher Discretion

7 HOW CAN PARENTS HELP? Check student’s planner for assignments, test dates, etc. Check teacher web sites Help organize student (weekly if needed) E-mail teachers for progress update Arrange transportation for morning/afternoon tutorials as needed **Make sure students have questions to ask, test to correct, and/or know why they need to be in tutorials

8 Extra Support at Home Attend cultural activities and festivals. Visit museums. Discuss family heritage. Read newspapers & watch the news with you and discuss current issues and world events. Visit the public library. (It’s free) Visit ethnic restaurants. Read historical novels and biographies. Develop critical thinking skills. Respond to his or her questions by asking further questions instead of by giving direct answers.

9 World Cultures provides information that will last a life time. We use and are exposed to the Strands of Social Studies (geography, government, culture, economics, history, and citizenship) everyday, even though we are not conscience of it.

10 How do we use geography? Example: Relative/absolute location-driving, giving directions in general are exact, as an address Planning trip/vacation

11 Culture We are constantly exposed to culture- restaurants, school, T.V., family, friends, etc

12 Government News Elections Political ads School Daily Life

13 Economics Grocery Store Clothes Gas prices Lunch money Allowances Daily Life

14 History Family stories Referencing to past events in government, economy, Daily Life, what you last week, etc.

15 Citizenship Community work Involvement with religious groups Involvement in school activities/clubs Daily Life Events

16 So the importance…. Skills and concepts learned in this class will be applied through the student’s life time. It doesn’t end when they leave in June.

17 From Child, September 2005

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