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Chapter 4 Sec 4 Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Iraq The Tigris and Euphrates are the major geological features of Iraq. Between the two rivers is the Alluvial.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Sec 4 Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Iraq The Tigris and Euphrates are the major geological features of Iraq. Between the two rivers is the Alluvial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Sec 4 Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan

2 Iraq The Tigris and Euphrates are the major geological features of Iraq. Between the two rivers is the Alluvial Plain- and area that is built up by rich fertile soil left by river floods. Oil is the countries major export.


4 Iraq People 70 percent of Iraq’s people live in Urban environment. Baghdad is the capital and largest city. Many countries placed an embargo- an order that restricts trade with another country, on Iraq after the first Gulf War.

5 Iran Iran is about the size of Alaska. It is an oil rich nation. They have limited water and less than 12 percent of their land is farmable. Iran is the worlds largest producer of pistachios.


7 Iranian People Persians make up about half of the population of Iran’s people. The persians migrated from central Asia centuries ago and speak Farsi. Tehran is the capital and largest city. 98 percent of Iranians are muslim.

8 Iran’s Government 2,000 years ago Iran was the center of the Persian empire. These empires were ruled by Shahs- or kings. In 1979 Muslim religious leaders overthrew the last king. It is now an Islamic Republic- A government run by Muslim religious leaders. Any western customs against Islam are forbidden.

9 Afghanistan Afghanistan is a land locked nation. It is mostly covered by the rugged Hindu Kush mountain range. Kabul is the capital city and lies in a valley. During 1980s the Afghan people fought the soviets. When it wasn’t going well the Afghani people turned to the Taliban for help.


11 The Taliban took over Afghanistan and set up a Muslim extremist government. After the attacks on September 11, 2001 America went to Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power.

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