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MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 1 MICE collaboration meeting at OSAKA (thanks to Mike Zisman, Makoto Yoshida, and Koji Yoshimura)Mike ZismanMakoto.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 1 MICE collaboration meeting at OSAKA (thanks to Mike Zisman, Makoto Yoshida, and Koji Yoshimura)Mike ZismanMakoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 1 MICE collaboration meeting at OSAKA (thanks to Mike Zisman, Makoto Yoshida, and Koji Yoshimura)Mike ZismanMakoto YoshidaKoji Yoshimura 1.Recall: aims of the collaboration until RAL meeting in October 2.Cost of MICE 3.Agenda of this meeting

2 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 2 following the collaboration meeting at CERN the MICE executive board met on 1 April 2004 and discussed the orientations and aims of the MICE collaboration in the next months, until the RAL collaboration meeting 27-30 October 2004. The following were outlined. (the list is not exhaustive and new things keep coming up!) 1. consolidation of the work done until March 2004 A. Finish the Technical Reference Document (‘rebaselining’). From there onwards we should use the change control procedures to suggest, design and implement improvements to the design of MICE. B. Finalize a more refined evaluation of cost estimates including two scenarios: a. what we think we could do right-now using solutions that are at hand. b. what we hope to be able to achieve with further work The aim being to be able to do better at lower cost, if possible. The line between categories a. and b. will evolve with time, normally this difference should shrink with time.

3 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 3 2. Technical choices to be made. A certain number of technical choices need to be made following the progress that has been made up to the collaboration meeting (these so far enter in category 1.b. above) 2.a finalize decision on cryo-coolers. 2.b finalize RF system design and costing. 2.c finalize validation of tracker. It is believed that these milestones can be achieved before or at the collaboration meeting in OSAKA in summer 2004 (2-4 August) for approbation at the collaboration board at that time. (nb: there will be reports on all these issues. I believe much progress has been achieved on all three. We may not need formal decisions but endorsement) There are several other important issues for which a final solution must be found on the same time scale, among which the need for, and design of, the shielding for the downstream detectors, as well as how the experiment is supported and the forces absorbed.

4 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 4 3. Understand the measurement of emittance to the aimed precision of 10 -3. This requires 3.a a full and operational simulation of the experiment 3.b design of monitoring systems that allow control of the physics parameters of the experiment to the desired accuracy. (where do we stand with this? I think there is great progress on beam design and simulations, but do we have a set of programs that allows those interested in the collaboration to simulate what they need?) This programme of work is a major enterprise and will require collective focus until the end of October 2004. It is suggested to start from the table of quantities to be monitored and controlled The proposed time table is as follows. -- for the meeting in OSAKA each working group should propose one or several ways by which the quantities can be conceptually controlled. -- for the RAL meeting a more detailed design should be proposed so as to include the controls in the final designs.

5 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 5 About the cost and funding of MICE (with blessing of the Exec. Board) there an ad-hoc team composed of MICE spokesperson, deputy and Technical coordinator major responsibles for funding requests AB, Zisman, Drumm, Kaplan, Kuno, Long, Palladino aka the 'Silwood Park Group' sat together (one week end plus two afternoon long phone meetings) to understand 1. what is the cost of MICE 2. what is the level a which we have so far achieved provision in-kind elements and funding

6 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 6 Baselines: 1. The material cost of MICE stage VI (no contingency) is 11 M£ this is our present best estimate and is a solid number. This is very consistent with the LOI and proposal of 17.8 and 19.2 M€ resp. To obtain the project cost one should add contingency, escalation and the necessary funding for personnel + travel. the present estimate is  25 M£. 2. The cost of stage V is 9.5 M£ 3. Savings announced in the proposal were realized RF power sources PSI solenoid Multiplexing of Scifi in the proposal, these represent value at the level of 8M€ and some more are possible (electronics from D0; will be borrowed for KEK test…) 4. The funding has been identified for more than 50% of the project cost. so far: UK contribution at 12.5 M£ Japan contribution of 100 k$/year (US-Japan) CH contribution at 50 KCHF/Yr + 1 MA + 1 PhD Support from US Muon collaboration for R&D (MUCOOL) and limited possibility for HW.

7 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 7  - STEP I: spring 2006 STEP II: summer 2006 STEP III: winter 2007 STEP IV: spring 2007 STEP V: fall 2007 STEP VI: 2008

8 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 8 5. The funding falls short of the requested amounts, and does not allow yet to fund the experiment to stage V (which is the minimum) several funding requests have been reviewed with great outcome, but 'there is no available money for new projects'. Will keep trying. 6. The main piece missing: we still do not know how to fund the spectrometer solenoids! (Ken Peach and AB visited INFN on 8 June result: 'encouragement to submit a proposal' -- which is being prepared starting with a EOI) 7. we need to fight our case further. e.g. this effect we wrote a brief for the NSF emphasizing --the unique physics case, --the overall cost reduction of neutrino factory -- the importance of MICE in this programme. Will be distributed.

9 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 9 Controlling MICE A preliminary set of control measurements and experiments Physics point of view

10 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 10 Experimental Systematics Mice fiction in 2007 or so.. MICE measures e.g. (  out  in ) exp = 0.904 ± 0.001 (statistical) and compares with (  out  in ) theory. = 0.895 and compares with (  out  in ) theory. = 0.895 and tries to understand the difference. SIMULATION REALITY MEASUREMENT theory systematics: modeling of cooling cell is not as reality experimental systematics: modeling of spectrometers is not as reality

11 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 11 quantitydesign tol.monitoringwith beam beam optics transfer matrix: par ex. (p t, p L, phi, x 0, y 0 ) in (p t, p L, phi, x 0, y 0 ) out measure with no RF and empty absorbers each time one changes the mag set-up. positions of coils some mmalignment currents some 10 -4 amp-meter mag field some 10 -4 mag probes amount of absorber (in g/cm 2) 310 -3 = 1mm/35 cmdensity through T & P thickness how??? measure energy loss of muons for 0 absorber, 1 absorber, two absorbers with RF off. RF field 3 10 -3 measure E to  E/E= 3.10 -3 measure energy of muons vs RF phase before and after cooling channel What needs to be controlled from the point of view of the physics? How can we control it by design tolerances / by monitoring / with the beam itself

12 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 12 example of such an experiment E out -E in (GeV) simulated by Janot in 2001 this measures E RF (t) (nb: this was at 88 MHz)

13 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 13  Start-up systematics chart Quantity MICE organs ToleranceMonitorBeam measurement (suggested)Responsible Channel count Beam ISIS beam target magnets Collimators Diffuser… TBD Alignment with expt? Settings Beam instrumentation (profile & halo monitors ?) others Measure beam averages and correlations, composition and emittance With/without diffuser Drumm/Tilley Beam detectors TOF Cherenkov TBD Volts, currents Occupancies, Dead channels others Measure TOF vs nominal beam momentum Calibrate in configuration with electrons in beam ? Palladino/ Bonesini Summers Emittance tracker <<10 -3 TBDCompare one tracker to the other with empty abs and no RF Bross/ Long PID 10 -3 TBD Palladino/ Bonesini Gregoire Tortora DE/dX Hydrogen absorber A few 10 -3 Temperature Pressure thickness Others Measure energy difference in configuration without RF and with full absorber(s) Zisman Wing Lau MACC Ishimoto EE RF systemA few 10 -3 Volts Phases Temps Measure energy of outgoing muons vs phase or with/without RF Zisman Derun Li optics positions of coils internal survey some mmISIS alignement system position monitors? transfer matrix: (pt, pL, phi, x0, y0) in (pt, pL, phi, x0, y0) out measure with no RF and empty absorbers each time one changes the magnetic set-up. Green /Black currentsfew 10 -4 amp-meter Zisman / Green mag field some 10 -4 ~ mag probes temp probes Zisman/Green / Linde

14 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 14 meeting agenda (thanks to M. Zisman) today

15 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 15

16 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 16

17 MICE CM at OSAKA Alain Blondel, August 1-4 2004 17 7:30

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