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Owls in the family By: Farley Mowat

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1 Owls in the family By: Farley Mowat
Sarah Thome #19

2 Chapter - 1 Bruce and Billy are friends. They live in Saskatewan. They decided they wanted a pet. They thought an owl would be a good one. It was a hot day in spring. They went for a hike. When they were hiking crows were bothering them. So they went and got the crows eggs. They carryed the crows eggs in there mothes. When they went to school. They told mr miller about there hike. Mr miller wanted to get a good look at the owl eggs. The next day Mr miller and the boys went to the forist. But he ended up on the ground with his camera damaged. When they went to school. They told mr miller about there hike. Mr miller wanted to get a good look at the owl eggs. The next day Mr miller and the boys went to the forist. But he ended up on the ground with his camera damaged.

3 Chapter - 2 Billys dad did not want Billy to have an owl because they already had gophers, a rabbit, a rat, and a garter snake. But then Billys dad thought it would be good to have an owl so that it could eat some of the pets

4 Chapter - 3 Billy Bruce and Mury were talking at reces about getting the owl out of the tree. Mury thoght they should cut down the tree. But Billy and Bruce didn’t think that would be a good idea. Bruce thoght his dad shold shoot the mother owl and then climb the tree. Billy thoght they shold use fire crakers to scare the mother owl. But they did not have money for them. That night there was a rilly big storm. Billy couldn’t stop thinking about the owls and what would happen to them. In the morning Billy got Bruce and went to the forist to see the owls. But when they got there they couldn’t find them. When they did find them they fond out that they were ded. They sercht for a wile and fond another owl. They tok that owl home and named him Wol

5 Chapter-4 When everyone was asleep on Sunday Billy went out to see Wol in the summer house. Billy thoght Wol aet all the gofers. He thogt that was silly becas the owl was small. Wol was facinatid by snaks in the cornr. They went to look at them and found the gofers. Billy decidid to take Wol to his room. He closed his door and went down stars for brekfist. The made toke the brefist tray up stares and on the way up she saw Wol who was coming stares. Wol scard her and she left and didn’t come back. That day Billy was riding his bike and he saw a boy throwing rocks at en owl. Billy wanted to trade the owl for a knife. They boy made a deal. Billy took the owl and named him Weeps.

6 Chapter-5 Wol got up in a tree. He couldn’t get down. They hole family was lafing. Finaly Wol fell out of the tree. Wol was so mad but he go over it by dinner.

7 Chapter - 6 Billy, Bruce and Mury signed up for en animal parade. They thout they could make a cirkas trane. But it didn’t work because all of the animals escaped. Bruce brot a rattle snake and it scared all of the jugess.

8 Chapter - 7 Billys dog mut did not like the owls becus they got to much atention. Weeps was helples mut had to defed him from neborhod dogs.

9 chapter-8 Bruce and Billy went to there cave with Wol. Mury coldnt go with them. 2 big kids came to take over the cave. The two boys were from Saskatoon. Wol scared the two big kids away.

10 Chapter - 9 After Wol lived with Billy in the hose for so long he thoht he was a person. If the family left him outside he wold bang on the door with his beek. One day the minstr came to Billys hose to talk to Billys mom about missing Sunday school. Wol decided to meet the new minstr and landed on his sholder. The minstr freeded out and ran for the door. Then Billy and Wol were walking down the sidewalk. The mail man ran into Wol. Wal was mad and bit him. Then school started and Billy was getting in trouble for being late becus the owls wold follow him to school. Then they found a way to keep them home by giving them bacon from brefist.

11 Chapter - 10 Billy Bruce there day and the owls went on a conew ride in Dundrum. When they were on there ride they were ataked by crows. They fell out of the conew and the owls flew away. The next day there dad and wol went to shot the crows.

12 Chapter - 11 Billy and his family had to move because Billys dad got a new job so they had to give there owls to Bruce. Bruce moved to a fox farm. The next day they drov to Bruces fox farm for the week end. They made a cage for the owls. Billy was very sad that he had to move. The next morning they moved to Tronto.

13 Reflection I was sad about the book because they had to give there owls to Bruce becuse they had to move to Toronto. I liked the book because boys be came friends with the owls and the owls be came part of there family.


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