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OFFICE OF SCIENCE Research Opportunities in DOE’s Office of Science Patricia Dehmer Deputy Director for Science Programs & Acting Director Office of Science,

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF SCIENCE Research Opportunities in DOE’s Office of Science Patricia Dehmer Deputy Director for Science Programs & Acting Director Office of Science,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF SCIENCE Research Opportunities in DOE’s Office of Science Patricia Dehmer Deputy Director for Science Programs & Acting Director Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy Download this talk at 2009 ASEE Engineering Research Council (ERC) Annual Conference on Engineering R&D Opportunities “Engineering Research for a Changing World” 2009 ASEE Engineering Research Council (ERC) Annual Conference on Engineering R&D Opportunities “Engineering Research for a Changing World” 9 March 2009

2 2 What’s New at DOE?  President Obama’s plans for science, energy, and the environment  Secretary Chu’s plans for DOE  Budgets – Hardly a tidy process this year The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 FY 2010 Congressional Budget Request + Outyear Estimates FY 2009 Budget Appropriation  All of the above were informed by: Worldwide economic recession Volatile energy prices and concern about reliance on foreign oil Increased sense of urgency about climate change as a global issue

3 3 Administration’s Energy Plan  Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.  Put 1 million plug-in hybrid cars – cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon – on the road by 2015.  Generate 10 percent of our electricity from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.  Implement an economy-wide, cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050.

4 4 DOE’s Priorities and Goals DOE’s Priorities and Goals Priority: Science and Discovery: Invest in science to achieve transformational discoveries Organize and focus on breakthrough science Develop and nurture science and engineering talent Coordinate DOE work across the department, across the government, and globally Priority: Change the landscape of energy demand and supply Drive energy efficiency to decrease energy use in homes, industry and transportation Develop and deploy clean, safe, low carbon energy supplies Enhance DOE’s application areas through collaboration with its strengths in Science Priority: Economic Prosperity: Create millions of green jobs and increase competitiveness Reduce energy demand Deploy cost-effective low-carbon clean energy technologies at scale Promote the development of an efficient, “smart” electricity transmission and distribution network Enable responsible domestic production of oil and natural gas Create a green workforce Priority: National Security and Legacy: Maintain nuclear deterrent and prevent proliferation Strengthen non-proliferation and arms control activities Ensure that the U.S. weapons stockpile remains safe, secure, and reliable without nuclear testing Complete legacy environmental clean-up Priority: Climate Change: Position U.S. to lead on climate change policy, technology, and science Provide science and technology inputs needed for global climate negotiations Develop and deploy technology solutions domestically and globally Advance climate science to better understand the human impact on the global environment

5 5  Focus on transformational science Connect basic and applied sciences Re-energize the national labs as centers of great science and innovation Double the Office of Science budget Embrace a degree of risk-taking in research Create an effective mechanism to integrate national laboratory, university, and industry activities  Develop science and engineering talent Train the next generation of scientists and engineers Attract and retain the most talented researchers  Collaborate universally Partner globally Support the developing world Build research networks across departments, government, nation and the globe Priority: Science and Discovery Invest in science to achieve transformational discoveries

6 6

7 7 Office of Science FY 2009 Conference

8 8 Some Office of Science Stats  The SC budget – Omnibus is $4,772,636K ~1/2 of the budget supports operations and construction of scientific user facilities ~1/2 of the budget supports research at the national laboratories and universities ~1/3 of SC research funding supports grants at more than 300 colleges and universities ~3000 active grants, with ~2000 new and renewal applications per year ~23,700 faculty, postdocs, grad students, and undergrads supported in FY 2009  SC provides over 40% of Federal support for the physical sciences.  SC oversees 10 of 17 DOE national labs and operates more than 30 major scientific user facilities.  ~20,000 users of scientific facilities a year ~1/2 from universities ~1/3 from DOE national laboratories; the remaining come from industry, other agencies, and international entities

9 9 9 A Backup Tutorial Energy sources and consumption sectors in the U.S.

10 Domestic Production: 71.7 Quads Imports: 34.6 Quads Consumption: 101.6 Quads Adjustments ~1 Exports 5.4 Quads Energy Supply (Quads) Energy Consumption U.S. Energy Flow, 2007 (Quads = Quadrillion BTU = 10 15 BTU) U.S. Energy Flow, 2007 (Quads = Quadrillion BTU = 10 15 BTU) About 1/3 of U.S. primary energy is imported

11 11 Supply 107 Quads U.S. Energy Flow, 2007 (Quads) U.S. Energy Flow, 2007 (Quads) 85% of primary energy is from fossil fuels Domestic 67% Imports 33% Residential Commercial Industrial Consume 102 Quads Nuclear 8% Renewable 7% Fossil 85% Transportation 11

12 U.S. Energy Flow, 2006 (Quads) U.S. Energy Flow, 2006 (Quads) >70% of primary energy for the transportation sector and >60% of primary energy for electricity generation/use is lost Source: LLNL 2008; data are based on DOE/EIA-0384(2006). Credit should be given to LLNL and DOE. 12

13 Source: LLNL 2008; data are based on DOE/EIA-0384(2006). Credit should be given to LLNL and DOE. 13 Fuel Switching End-use Efficiency CCS Electric Energy Storage Zero-net-emissions Electricity Generation Conservation Key RD&D Strategies Climate/Environment Impacts Electricity Distribution

14 Source: LLNL 2008; data are based on DOE/EIA-0384(2006). Credit should be given to LLNL and DOE. 14 Fuel Switching End-use Efficiency CCS Electric Energy Storage Zero-net-emissions Electricity Generation Conservation How Will Basic Science Influence Technology? Climate/Environment Impacts Electricity Distribution

15 15 End of Tutorial 15

16 16 Research in the SC Portfolio  Individual principal investigators (PIs) and small groups –  PIs and self-selected small collaborations pursuing “discovery-class” research  Funding usually <$1M/year; work ongoing pending ~triennial peer review  Example: Development of a predictive understanding of emergent properties – such as high-temperature superconductivity – from the complex correlations of atomic and electronic constituents  Small, focused collaborations, e.g., the BES Energy Frontier Research Center Collaborations –  Small groups, usually multidisciplinary in character, pursuing advances at the interface between discovery science and the real-world requirements of energy applications  Funding is up to $5M/year; work ongoing pending peer review, typically at 3-5 year intervals  Example: Design and development of improved high-temperature cuprate superconductors and entirely new classes of high-temperature superconducting materials  Energy Sciences Centers or Institutes, e.g., the BER Bioenergy Research Centers –  Large multidisciplinary groups, often including non-scientific participants such as economists and policy experts, working at the interface between discovery science and mission requirements in areas of energy, environment, and climate. Work likely connects with that of DOE technology offices and industry.  Funding is up to $25M/year; work funded for 5 years and may be renewed pending peer review  Example: Development of a room-temperature superconductor with properties that allow economical fabrication of wires, tape, and other structures that conduct electricity. The “solutions” may be new and even radical. Existing example: The three SC/BER Bioenergy Research Centers are working to extract fermentable sugars from lignocellulose and produce biofuels from them.

17 17  ~ 260 applications involving 385 institutions  ~3800 senior investigators: 98% of from the U.S. and 2% from 26 foreign countries.  Lead institutions represent 41 states and the District of Columbia.  Lead institutions breakdown by sector: 71% from universities, 13% from DOE/NNSA laboratories, and 16% from other institutions (for-profit, nonprofit, and individuals).  The total requested budget for all applications over the 5-year project period is ~$4,900M; the annualized request for all applications is ~$980M. There is $100M/year in the FY 2009 Congressional Budget Request.  Applications roughly grouped as follows: Category% Energy Sources (Solar Energy Utilization, Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, Biofuels, Geological Sequestration of CO 2 ) 46% Energy Efficiency (Clean and Efficient Combustion, Solid State Lighting, Superconductivity) 11% Energy Storage (Hydrogen Research, Electrical Energy Storage) 11% Crosscutting (Catalysis for Energy, Materials under Extreme Conditions, etc.). 18% Others 14% Energy Frontier Research Center Collaborations (SC/BES)

18 18  Facility Construction – Funds accelerate completion of a number of ongoing construction projects for major scientific user facilities, major items of equipment for those facilities, and laboratory infrastructure. General Plant Projects (GPP) update laboratory infrastructure and establish new laboratory research space, renovate existing laboratory space, demolish inadequate facilities, and improve utility systems across SC labs.  Facility Operations/Infrastructure – Funds increase operations, experimental support, and infrastructure improvements at scientific user facilities across SC.  Research – Funds support selected research programs across SC and are chosen to minimize out-year mortgages. Energy Frontier Research Centers are included.  Computing – Funds support advanced networking; mid-range distributed computing; and computation partnerships in areas important to DOE energy missions.  Fellowships – A program to support graduate students and early career scientists was proposed by SC and is under discussion within DOE. ARRA – Categories of Support in SC

19 19 Annual Open Solicitation… …and specific Funding Opportunity Announcements SC Solicitations

20 20  Research Opportunities at Rare Isotope Beam Facilities Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-10  Plasma Science Centers Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-25  High-Performance Networks for Distributed Petascale Science Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-27  High Energy Physics Outstanding Junior Investigator Program Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-28  Advanced Detector Research Program Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-31  Office of Nuclear Physics Outstanding Junior Investigator Program Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-33  Fusion Simulation Program Notice DE-PS02-09ER09-04  Fundamental Research in Superconducting RF Cavity Design Notice DE-PS02-09ER09-05  Environmental Remediation Science Program Notice DE-PS02-09ER09-07 Posted December 24, 2008; Preapplications due January 30, 2009; Formal applications due April 9, 2009.  Integrated Radiochemistry Research Projects of Excellence Notice DE-PS02-09ER09-08 Posted January 12, 2009; Preapplications due February 16, 2009; Formal applications due April 2, 2009. Some Recent Solicitations

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