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Goal Setting Mr. Doroski.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting Mr. Doroski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting Mr. Doroski

2 What is Goal Setting? Goal setting is a skill.
A skill is something we can practice to become better at.

3 Goal Setting The choices you make as young adults affect your future and your future health. Setting goals helps achieve the things we want and need. Setting goals can help reduce the risks of unwanted consequences.

4 Goal Setting There are two types of goals that we can set:
Short term goals Long term goals

5 Examples of Short Term Goals:
Finishing your history project before the weekend Getting a 90 or better on your next math quiz

6 Examples of Long Term Goals
Graduating from college Becoming an astronaut

7 Goal Setting Good goals are exact, positive, realistic, challenging, and under your control. A clear goal statement is the first step in achieving goals.

8 Goal Setting Steps Set your goal Establish your plan Consider barriers
Suggest solutions Identify a reward Evaluate your progress

9 Ready, Set, Goal! Set your goal
I will work hard on my history project and turn it in on time.

10 Ready, Set, Goal! Establish a plan
Talk to my teacher about the project. Find information on the Web. Work one hour every day on my project.

11 Ready, Set, Goal! Consider barriers
Watching TV instead of working on my project. Getting to use the computer. Having the art supplies I need.

12 Ready, Set, Goal! Suggest solutions
Work on my project after dinner each night. Get a time to use the computer from the school librarian. Ask my dad to take me to the store on Saturday.

13 Ready, Set, Goal! Identify a reward
I will ask my dad if I can have a friend over when the project's turned in.

14 Ready, Set, Goal! Evaluate progress
Make a checklist of things to do. Check it every day.

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