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Who cut down the trees??? By Trevor, Michael and Julie.

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Presentation on theme: "Who cut down the trees??? By Trevor, Michael and Julie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who cut down the trees??? By Trevor, Michael and Julie


3 It was a nice day for all the animals. But one animal was named Derek. Derek’s favorite things to do is eat, sleep, drink and play.

4 The next day, he saw a sign that said this tree will be cut down.

5 When he woke up, he went walking down the forest and aw more signs that said this tree will be cut down.

6 “Why are the trees being cut down?” The people are using them for lumber, furniture and housing.

7 People saw that Derek was not happy so they put up signs to stop the cutting.

8 To fix the cut trees, people started planting trees to replace them.

9 People re-planted trees and fenced off the world to protect it.

10 The trees grew and grew. Eventually, the forest looked like new again.

11 And Derek was happy, and so were the rest of the animals.

12 The people were happy, too. Because they had clean air and a place to live.

13 The people learned to always protect the forest.

14 And everyone lived happily ever after.

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