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JUMPSTART What school rules do you always have trouble following and why?

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1 JUMPSTART What school rules do you always have trouble following and why?


3 LEARNING TARGET I know and understand the classroom expectations and procedures. This means:  I ask questions if there is an expectation or procedure I do not understand.  I could explain the expectations and procedures if asked.

4 SUPPLIES Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:  Two #2 pencils, sharpened and ready to use  Two pens, either black or blue ink  A highlighter (color is your choice)  8x11” College-rule binder paper  A folder for class handouts  Writer’s notebook to be turned in periodically (Provided in class)

5 GRADE BREAK DOWN  Grade Breakdown:  Tests: 40%  Homework: 30%  Projects: 20%  Participation (notebook and discussion): 10%

6 HOMEWORK  Homework and discussion go hand-in-hand in my class. If you do not do your homework, you cannot be expected to participate in the classroom activities or discussion. Therefore, choosing to not do your homework results in a double-penalty in the gradebook.  Must be turned into the basket at the beginning of the hour.

7 ASSIGNMENTS  Must be in pencil or blue and black ink  You may type up your homework  Attach it to your worksheet if one was given  Must be legible!

8 STANDARDS OF PREPARATION  You are in an academic environment, so your work will be viewed as such. Work will be assessed for content, but also for structure and academic merit.  All spelling/ grammar errors will result in losing points on tests, essays or projects  1 point per error  Proper language is expected on all assignments throughout the year.  No “texting” language

9 MAKE-UP WORK  After an absence, it will be your responsibility to check for make-up work in the designated location within the classroom.  You will receive one extra day for everyday they were absent to complete and turn in make-up work before it is considered late.  Ex: Absent Monday--get work Tuesday--due Wednesday  You are responsible for scheduling a meeting with me before or after school to make-up tests/quizzes.  Pick up late work in your class binder,  The class lesson will be posted on my school website

10 LATE WORK  Homework must be turned into the homework bin at the beginning of the class period or else it will be considered late.  Late work will be accepted one day late for 50% of the allotted points.  Worth 100 point now worth 50 points  Work later than ONE day will not be accepted at all  However I will allow each student ONE free pass per semester. I understand that life happens. If you wish to use your free pass you must talk to me before class starts.

11 EXTRA CREDIT  There will be TWO extra credit assignments offered. (one per semester)  You must complete the entire assignment if you wish to receive the extra credit points.  These are not mandatory assignments.  The extra credit will be added to your final grade at the end of each semester.

12 HOURS OF AVAILABILITY  Daily: 1:30 – 2:00. Please make an appointment with me so I know to expect you.

13 SPELLING/ GRAMMAR/ NEATNESS  Points will be deducted for spelling/ grammar errors and lack of neatness on all finished products and assignments. This does not include works in progress as we do many rough drafts  If I cannot read it, I cannot grade it!

14 PAPER HEADING  NO NAME NO GRADE!  Top Right-hand corner

15 BEHAVIOR  Follow the Three Levels of Respect  Respect the Teacher  Respect the Classroom  Respect each Other

16 CONSEQUENCES  First Offense: Warning  Second Offence: Held after and discussion with the teacher  Third Offence: Removal from class with phone call home  NOTE: Pending severity of the offence, you may skip over previous steps

17 BEHAVIOR/ CONSEQUENCES  This is an academic environment and you are here to learn. This is your role in the classroom, and you are expected to behave in an appropriate manner.

18 BATHROOM PASSES  Restroom passes will only be given in case of an emergency.  You MUST have your agenda to use as a bathroom pass.  You are expected to use the restroom during lunch and prior to arriving for class.

19 LOCKER PASSES  No locker passes will be given  No exceptions  Make sure you have all materials prior to coming to class.

20 ELECTRONICS  Due to academic security and student safety, the use of cell phones during class time is prohibited. Cell phones will be confiscated if they ring, students are found talking or text messaging, or if they are visible in the classroom. Students are discouraged from bringing other electronic devices to school. Items such as iPods or any other electronic devices are often stolen and distract students from educational opportunities in class and are subject to confiscation. ---Student Handbook

21 ELECTRONICS  Confiscated Electronic Devices will be delivered to the Dean’s office.  PARENTS/ GUARDIANS may retrieve these confiscated items from the Dean’s office between 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. weekdays.  Items WILL NOT be returned to the students.

22 QUIZ 1. List 4 of the required school supplies. HINT: There are 6 total!

23 QUIZ 2. What colors are you allowed to write in?

24 QUIZ 3. WHEN and WHERE must your homework be turned in to?

25 QUIZ 4. Tell me 2 things about the MAKE-UP WORK policy.

26 QUIZ 5. How many days late will I still accept work?

27 QUIZ 6. How many points do you lose if you turn work in late?

28 QUIZ 7. Where should your heading be located on your paper?

29 QUIZ 8. What are the 3 LEVELS OF RESPECT?

30 QUIZ 9. Briefly describe the technology policy for our class?

31 QUIZ 10. Where can you find your MAKE-UP WORK if you were absent?

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