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EMPLOYMENT CREATION FUND Presented by Burnett Marais.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYMENT CREATION FUND Presented by Burnett Marais."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPLOYMENT CREATION FUND Presented by Burnett Marais

2 Contents Introduction Purpose of the Report Objectives of the Project Results Achieved in 2010/11 Planned Activities 2011/2012 Challenges & Solution Finance Project Photos

3 Introduction The Project is the establishment of “organic cluster for rural development” which contributes towards job opportunities in the marginalised rural communities in order to reduce poverty and unemployment and also improve the food security for local people.

4 Purpose of the Report Presentation of the Annual Work Plan during 2010/2011 The report indicates: Results of activities achieved Achievements Planned activities for 2011 and 2012 Finance Project photos

5 Objectives of the Project Livelihood in rural farms Food security through Green projects Organic demand is rising at better prices Sustainable agricultural practice that form LDA policy Create 510 jobs (160 permanent) Impact on 4270 livelihood Have equipment pool Common marketing of products- Common branding

6 Results Achieved in 2010/11 Project Management Team and systems in place Acquired Assets (mechanization)to support Farmer Establish Farms (Fence, Irrigation, Electricity and Water) Build Nursery and compost plant to support local farmers. Pilot Crop production for market acceptance Launched the project in February 2011 Conducted Field Trip for farmers to learn Organic farming Trained Department of Agriculture extension officers in Organic Agriculture.

7 Results Achieved in 2010/11 Extension officers advises emerging and small scale farmers in communities Organic Agriculture Matching and Handholding farmers to qualified Agriculturalists Mobilised & Trained farmers to enter organic farming Farmers Trained in (Business Skills and Farm Production, cooperate governance) Produce and Process crops Manufacture bricks to construct necessary infrastructure for farms

8 Summary of Employment Impact Village Co-operative / Institution name Employment created 1. DichoeungMagarola 28 2. ElandskraalMoepaseromo 19 3. PhetwanePhakamaseme 19 4. Toitskraal Nursery, Compost, Training & Production site 20 5. DichoeungFarm Establishment 12 6. Project Implementing company Project Support Office12

9 Planned Activities 2011/2012 Increase farms from 4 to 10 Increase Employment from 110 to above 187 Train Farm in Skills Development (25 learners) Train farms to use the developed Farming System Register for organic Accreditation & Fairtrade

10 Challenges & Solution ChallengesSolutions 1. Eskom Delays electrification of the farms 2. Neighbouring farms uses areal sprays 3. Farms that do not have alternative Land 4. Delay payment from the funder 5. Certifying Organic company delay on certification Use diesel generators Found alternative land far from contamination Identify other neighbouring villages that have access to land. And also introduce organic to co- operatives that need to go conversion. Delay activities that do not have negative impact on project progress like skills training for learners They needed our Co-operatives to start producing in line with organic stipulations. We will be re-approaching them again.

11 Finance ExpenditureActual 10/11Budget 11/12Budget 12/13 1. Human Resources2 855 6143 256 9823 361 168 2. Equipment and Supplies7 535 548840 00012 000 3. Cooperative establishment, Farm plans and external Services 4 768 6891 035 000375 000 Totals15 159 8505 131 9823 748 168 Approved & Disbursed 15 159 850 % distribution 63% 21% 16% Total Approved R24 040 000

12 Nursery


14 Production Plant

15 Constructing cooperatives

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