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Out of this World Winter Class Cycle A Autumn II Spring 2012.

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1 Out of this World Winter Class Cycle A Autumn II Spring 2012

2 Out of this world Rational: children will be able to place Earth as part of the Solar System and relate features such as seasons to movement of bodies in space. The will have the opportunity to study the sky at night and to begin to explain – through English, ICT and drama - some of the features they see. They will be encouraged to study up to date and evolving ideas on space such as Mars Curiosity. Hook: Show children the start of Paralympics opening ceremony and discuss the Big Bang. Mr Gove has changed the Science curriculum to include new areas on space. There is no KS2 material available. Put on an exhibition to show children and others in education what new information the children will be learning which could be used as support for teaching. Science: How the solar System works The changing position of the Sun in the sky The causes of night and day and the seasons The changing shape of the Moon The position of our Solar System in the Universe The changing sky at night: constellations and planets English Explore a variety of explanation texts and identify features of language, layout and value of diagrams Explore language of explanation using drama. Use paragraphs to organise information Use researched data to create an explanation text on stars. Read and watch a variety of extracts from popular science fiction novels and films. Define what makes a science fiction story. Analyse importance of characters and setting to the story. Write their own science fiction story. Music Identify different moods and sensations in film and documentary sound tracks Create different sound effects using a combination of sounds and instruments Use ICT tools to change and manipulate effects Explore, select, combine and exploit a range of different sounds to create a soundscape ICT Use Excel to investigate data bases and discover how data can be organised Research data and input into a data base Discover how data can be presented using a database. Art Explore range of artwork on space Create own space inspired art using a variety of mediums such as chalk, crayon, paint and glitter Outcome: put on a presentation to show new aspects of astronomy in the updated national curriculum using posters, ICT,video and narrative. Spirituality Be encouraged to celebrate the achievements of their peers in and out of lessons Consider the wonders of the Universe Thinking skills Be able to evaluate and reflect upon their learning Generate questions which can be investigated Increase their levels of understanding through question and discovery

3 Out of this World Write your own science fiction story Find out the latest from Mars Curiosity Write about the stars Use spreadsheets to collate data and display information in a variety of ways. Keep a Moon diary for a month to observe the changes which occur Discover the language we use to explain Use drama to study language use Read a range of popular science fiction stories What’s in they sky at night? Explore some of the range of space inspired artwork Create space artwork in a variety of mediums Study soundtracks from films and documentaries and analyse effects Create soundscape for a documentary Find out about space technology Discover the effects of gravity on the Solar System

4 Out of this World Home Learning Project Research (using books and/or the internet) a famous astronomer or astronaut and product a biography about them to include: What are they famous for? (their scientific discovery or actions) When and where did (do) they live Details about their early and later life How did they make their discovery/ How did they get involved in their field of work What did they have to do to reach the high point in their careers and what did others think of their discovery/actions You may present this in any form you choose such as PowerPoint, a poster or a written biography Hand in By Thursday 13 th December

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