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How to be successful on impromptus: 1. Identify the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ of the prompt. 2. Write a practice thesis on scrap paper 3. Plan out your response.

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Presentation on theme: "How to be successful on impromptus: 1. Identify the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ of the prompt. 2. Write a practice thesis on scrap paper 3. Plan out your response."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be successful on impromptus: 1. Identify the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ of the prompt. 2. Write a practice thesis on scrap paper 3. Plan out your response

2 Example: Analyze how the changing world impacts your plans for the future. How: ways in which the world is changing What: the impact it has on your future…

3 How: the war on terror; the increase in gas prices (which in turn caused increases in most other items); the poor job market due to out-sourcing. What: The changes in the world have impacted how I view my future. I am less optimistic and have to consider more options like leaving Michigan and possibly taking an undesirable job just to make money.

4 Practice thesis: The changes in the world today, such as the war on terror, increased oil prices and the increase in outsourcing impacts my future in that I might have to make undesirable choices just to survive.

5 Plan out response: I might organize by changes in the world: (for example) –The war on terror: how does the WoT impact my future and cause less desirable choices? A draft for Iraq? Increased concern for security might cause fewer opportunities for jobs due to increased spending on security. Might not want to live in high target areas… NYC, waterfront, etc.

6 Plan B: I might want to organize by the ways I am impacted: Move out of Michigan: I might have to move to find work, or be able to afford a house. Moving away from an international border makes me safer.

7 However you chose to organize it, make sure everything in your essay supports the WHAT (the assumption) part of the prompt… all of my example essay should revolve around the impact these items have on my future plans…

8 Again, how to be successful… 1. Identify the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ of the prompt. 2. Write a practice thesis on scrap paper 3. Plan out your response

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