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Starter- Write the questions. 1.What was the first representative democracy in the colonies? Goal 1 2.How long does a US senator serve in one term? Goal.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter- Write the questions. 1.What was the first representative democracy in the colonies? Goal 1 2.How long does a US senator serve in one term? Goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter- Write the questions. 1.What was the first representative democracy in the colonies? Goal 1 2.How long does a US senator serve in one term? Goal 2 3.What is negotiation between a prosecutor and a defendant called? Goal 5 4.If the US House and US Senate pass same versions of a bill, where does it go? Goal 5

2 How does the movement of people and capital affect the US economy? 9.03

3 Movement of Human and Capital Resources When there are population shifts, the US economy is greatly affected. – People have moved from the Rust Belt and the Frost Belt to the Sun Belt. – Large amounts of resources leave areas (money, skills) and this really hurts those areas. Population growth= economic growth – People leaving hurts (Detroit)

4 Impacts of Current Events 9.04

5 Current Events Events such as the attack on 9/11 hurt the economy- terrorism – The more safe people feel, the better the economy tends to be. – Department of Homeland Security was created to fight terrorism. – Programs such as the Patriot Act and wars against terror have raised taxes and hurt the economy.

6 Outsourcing and Downsizing Downsizing- companies have to get smaller to compete in today’s economy – This means a loss in jobs Outsourcing- business pay outside firms to perform tasks it would normally have done. – Companies in India and Mexico fulfill this role – This hurts our economy by taking away jobs – It help the business by increasing profits.

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