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LPS Compost Program Brittney Albin Sustainability Coordinator.

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1 LPS Compost Program Brittney Albin Sustainability Coordinator

2 LPS Elementary School Recycling Rates 2013-14

3 Recycling Categories  Mixed Office Paper  Newspapers & Magazines  Plastic & Aluminum  Cardboard

4 Recycling Bins  Different bins are used for different materials These bins are for PAPER ONLY They should be located in every classroom These bins are typically for newspaper & magazines These bins are typically for plastic bottles & aluminum cans Be sure to double check signs before you toss something in!

5 Compost Pilot Program  Pilot program at 3 schools in May 2014  Saratoga, Irving, and Southwest  Started at Beattie in February, and Sheridan in March  Compost is hauled to Prairieland Dairy  Used to create all natural soil amendment

6 Recycling & Composting Report for August 2014- March 2015 # of StudentsRecycleCompost Landfill% Diverted from Landfill Southwest High 1,806 48,570 42,405 105,39046% Irving Middle 806 22,637 51,362 41,00664% Saratoga Elem 310 5,515 19,100 14,82262% Beattie Elem 371 1,115 2,337 4,74742% Sheridan Elem 467 800 1,654 2,92946% Overall 78,637 116,858 139,79458% Sheridan Daily Food Waste Log – March 2015 CompostTrashDaily Diversion Compost BagsCompost WeightTrash BagsTrash WeightRate 3/16/2015Monday 3/17/2015Tuesday515122486.29% 3/18/2015Wednesday613821490.79% 3/19/2015Thursday517521592.11% 3/20/2015Friday516821890.32% 3/23/2015Monday416121690.96% 3/24/2015Tuesday612121390.30% 3/25/2015Wednesday614921491.41% 3/26/2015Thursday612021787.59% 3/27/2015Friday616823881.55% 3/30/2015Monday716521989.67% 3/31/2015Tuesday713821391.39% Totals63165422201 Total Diversion89.16% Average Daily Compost150.4 Average Daily Waste18.3

7 Results

8 Composting Program Cafeteria Set Up: Silverware  Liquids  Compost  Trash Make sure students sort their trays BEFORE they leave their table!

9 Compost  All Food Scraps  Paper Dishes  Napkins  Straw Wrappers  Milk Cartons  Paper ‘Boats’  Paper Plates

10 Trash  Plastic Dishes  Straws  Chip Bags  Styrofoam Dishes  Plastic Cutlery  Foil Wrappers  Snack Wrappers

11 Sorting  It is critical that students make the effort to sort their tray BEFORE they get up from the table  Buckets will be used to collect trash items at the table

12 Backyard vs. Commercial

13 Contact Information  Sustainability Coordinator – Brittney Albin  (402) 436-1072 ext. 82007  

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