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Lindsay Couzens, M.S. 1 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Lindsay Couzens, M.S. 1 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lindsay Couzens, M.S. 1 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

2  What is your overall research question?  What questions do you want your survey to answer?  Is there an existing survey that answers your questions?  Keep length of the survey in mind  Define target group  Identify Objectives 2 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

3  Identify Objectives  Based on purpose/research question  Example: Fowler, 1995 Example: Fowler, 1995  Develop definitions for objectives  All respondents should have a common understanding of the meaning of each question  Specify the kinds of answers needed to meet the objectives  Informs item construction 3 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

4  In person  Can clarify confusing statements  Immediate feedback  Limited to those who are present  Mail  Can reach large geographic areas  Depend on respondents’ motivation  Requires current address database  Email  Can reach large geographic areas instantly  Cost-efficient  Requires computer access  Online  Cost-efficient  Requires computer access  Interview  Can ask exploratory or probing questions  Can assist with unclear questions  Requires trained interviewers  Requires up-to-date telephone numbers 4 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

5  Timeline  Number of data collection points  Cutoff dates  Cost  Who will construct the survey?  How? ▪ Survey Monkey ▪ Elisten ▪ WebCampus tool 5 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

6  How will the survey be distributed?  Who will analyze the survey?  Do you need special hardware or software?  Who will maintain the survey?  Who is responsible for updating, revising, editing? UNLV Office of Academic Assessment 6

7  Pilot testing  Focus groups  How will the surveys be distributed?  How will they be collected? 7 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment

8  What is the research question?  Do the objectives for the survey flow from the research question?  Is each objective stated in concrete terms?  Does each objective measure one idea or concept? UNLV Office of Academic Assessment 8

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