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Scientific Method Set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world

2 Marine Laboratories Woods Hole Mote Marine Laboratory Univ. Miami - RSMAS UC, Santa Barbara University of Georgia University of Georgia – Odum School of Ecology University of Georgia – Odum School of Ecology Univ. Rhode Island

3 The Scientific Method

4 Two Ways of Thinking Induction: one uses separate observations to arrive at general principles Deduction: reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions

5 Induction Because sailfish, sharks, and tuna are all fishes, all fishes have gills. General conclusions made on the basis of specific observations.

6 Deduction Suppose a marine biologist used induction to make the general statement: All marine animals have gills. That marine biologist might then reason that if all marine animals have gills and whales are marine animals, then whales must have gills.

7 Hypothesis A statement that might be supported by data. If (cause), then (effect) statement.

8 Hypothesis There are no absolute truths Scientists speak of accepting a hypothesis, never proving them Testing hypothesis: more confidence can be placed in a hypothesis that has stood up to the hard testing than in an untested one. Suggesting an alternative hypothesis. The nature of scientific proof:

9 Experiment Factors affecting observations: variables Controlled vs. experimental variable

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