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How computer’s are linked together.

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Presentation on theme: "How computer’s are linked together."— Presentation transcript:

1 How computer’s are linked together.
Client Server model How computer’s are linked together.

2 (Input / output terminals)
Old Computer Architecture Dumb terminal The processing takes place within the main frame computer and the terminals are merely input and output devices Dumb terminal Dumb terminal Dumb terminal Main frame computer (Input / output terminals) (Processing) Client Server model

3 ‘What kind of services are requested from a server?’
client ‘A client is a piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service made available by a server.’ Requests a service ‘What kind of services are requested from a server?’ Client Client Server model

4 server Client Server model
‘A server is a running instance of an application (software) capable of accepting requests from the client and giving responses accordingly. Servers can run on any computer including dedicated computers, which individually are also often referred to as "the server". TELNET File sharing Web File transfer Server Proxy Printer Client Server model

5 What is client server? Client Server model
‘The client–server model of computing is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.’ Client – Server Model Peer – Peer Network Data transactions Data transactions Client Client Client Server Client Client Server model

6 Distributed computer model
A server can support many distributed clients (eg file server) Client Client Client Client Data transactions Client Server Client Client Client Client Server model

7 Distributed computer model
Clients Clients Network B Network A Clients Routers A server can support many small clusters of computers as shown in the diagram. Network C Server Client Server model

8 Distributed computer model
Clients Clients Network A Network B There can be many different servers providing different services for multiple networks of clients as shown. Clients Routers Network C Server Client Server model

9 Distributed computer model
Clients Extra services can be provided, such as firewall, proxy, Internet connection, or database management system (DBMS) Clients Network A Network B File sharing DBMS Clients Routers Network C Web Firewall Proxy Internet Server Printer Client Server model

10 Cloud Client – Server Model
‘The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer..’ Cloud Client – Server Model Remote Client Internet Remote Client Data transactions Remote Client Server Client Server model

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