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Short thriller Luke Powell, Hasan Hussain, Bharathy Ravindran, Malcolm Bruley and Molly Doyle.

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Presentation on theme: "Short thriller Luke Powell, Hasan Hussain, Bharathy Ravindran, Malcolm Bruley and Molly Doyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short thriller Luke Powell, Hasan Hussain, Bharathy Ravindran, Malcolm Bruley and Molly Doyle

2 Introduction Our short film is titled Cause and Effect, which focuses on a boy time travelling to save his best friend from death.

3 Our Film In the film the Protagonist is Aaron, whereas the Antagonist is Ryker. Aaron needs to save his best friend after he finds him dead in an alley. He hopes that by him going back in time he can prevent this.

4 What is a Thriller? The main aim of a thriller is to excite the audience and to leave the audience in suspense. Movies such as The Dark Knight, The silence of the lambs and Taken are thrillers. Just some examples of different thriller genres are spy thrillers, political thrillers and romantic thrillers.

5 Codes and Conventions Characters and Story CinematographyEditingSound

6 Codes in our film In our film we have numerous codes and conventions that help to make it a thriller such as: A protagonist and an antagonist A protagonist and an antagonist An antagonist who is revealed over time Music to build tension Close ups of our characters Cross cutting A twist

7 Target Audience The demographic age of our audience for the short film is males of the age 15. Due to males of this age being more interested in guns and violence.

8 Peter Black

9 What elements in your film will appeal to them? Thrill. The mood of the location. The age group

10 Why is your film suitable for the target audience? The Age group. The clothing. The language and music. The way the film was edited.

11 Was the production successful? Overall, yes the production was a success although there were a few hiccups Some special effects had to be sacrificed due to time issues We had to reshoot some scenes so the movie would flow more

12 What did we do well? The actor played his part well Everyone was able to tend filming days Most equipment was functional We did not have problems with the authority or residents

13 What would you do differently? We would make sure vital paperwork was fully finished before filming Make sure our story spanned 5 minutes Make a more immersive and creative story Make a more immersive and creative story Finish everything well before deadline

14 Research We had to research what made up a thriller movie. We had to research time travel for our story to make sense. Ways in which we could communicate time travel to the audience Ways in which we could communicate time travel to the audience

15 Audience We asked peoples opinion of our short movie We asked them how much of a thriller movie our production was out of 10

16 Thank you for listening

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