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Sex-influenced Traits

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Presentation on theme: "Sex-influenced Traits"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex-influenced Traits

2 Previously, we learned about sex-linked traits, controlled by sex-chromosomes. (x-linked)
We will now discuss sex-influenced traits, controlled by autosomal chromosomes

3 What is a sex-influenced trait?
A sex-influenced trait is controlled by a pair of alleles found on the autosomes. (Not on sex chromosomes) Its expression is influenced by gender (presence of hormones such as: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.). Sex-influenced traits vary in the degree of the phenotypic expression.

4 Example: Pattern Baldness
It can occur in both males and females, but is influenced by the hormone testosterone.

5 The combination of alleles lead to different phenotypic expressions depending on gender.

6 Father = B’B’ x Mother = BB
What is the probability that you will be bald if your father is homozygous and balding, and your mother is homozygous and not balding? Father = B’B’ x Mother = BB All offspring are BB’ If you are male, then you will be bald. If you are female, then you will not be bald.

7 Actually, It’s not that simple…
Many human traits are controlled by several different alleles and environmental factors. These traits are polygenic, such as height. (Actually the man at the right is a pituitary giant at 7’9” due to an uncontrolled amount of growth hormone) This means that we cannot fully explain pattern baldness using sex-influenced inheritance. It is not easy to explain that diversity found in different ages of onset, as well as the severity of baldness.

8 Another Example: Singing voice
The genotype that causes males to have a tenor voice (highest male singing voice), causes females to have a contralto voice (the deepest female singing voice). The genotype that causes males to have deep bass voices, is the same genotype that causes females to have high soprano voices. Also

9 Peacock plumage The plumage of a male peacock is highly decorated and colored, while the plumage of a female peahen is dull by comparison.

10 A variety of peacock feathers

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