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Computer-Aided Design of Digital VLSI Circuits & Systems Priyank Kalla Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engineering University of Utah,SLC Perspectives on Next-Generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer-Aided Design of Digital VLSI Circuits & Systems Priyank Kalla Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engineering University of Utah,SLC Perspectives on Next-Generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer-Aided Design of Digital VLSI Circuits & Systems Priyank Kalla Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engineering University of Utah,SLC Perspectives on Next-Generation Logic Synthesis

2 Logic Synthesis in VLSI Realization Specifications Circuit Netlist Optimized Netlist Tech. Mapping Place & Route Sequential Optimization Cell Library Objective: Generate Optimal Designs

3 Semi-Custom Design Styles Semi-Custom Cell-based Array-based Std. Cells Hierarchical Std. Cells Macro cells PLA Memory Gate-Arrays MPGAs FPGAs

4 Choice of Design Styles CustomSemi-customGate-array DensityVery highHighMedium PerformanceVery highHighMedium Design timeVery LongHighMedium/low Manufacturi ng time Medium Short Low volume Cost Very HighHighLow High. Vol. Cost Low High

5 Design Representations  Architectural  F1 = A*A – B*B  F2 = C*C – D*D  F = x F1 + x’ F2 Transformation:  F1 = (A-B)(A+B)  F2 = (C-D)(C+D)  F = x F1 + x’ F2  Behavioural Transformations s0 s1 s2 s3 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4

6 Transformation Criteria  Architectural  Resource Optimization  Latency/Throughput Optimization  Computation Scheduling, Resource Binding  Testability and Verifiability  Behavioural  Logic Area  Gate Delay (timing performance)  Switching & Static Power Dissipation  Testability and Verifiability

7 Minimization Versus Optimization  Minimization versus Optimization Trade-offs  Minimize Logic Area, or Delay, or Power….  Optimize Area within bounded Delays  Optimize Delay within bounded Area  Physical Synthesis: Optimize Area w.r.t. Reliability and Manufacturability Delay… Area …

8 What is Logic Synthesis?  Given: Logic Functions or Finite-State Machines  Automatically generate designs (synthesis)  Minimize or Optimize Logic w.r.t. constraints  Optimally map logic onto realistic gates  Problems and Challenges  Memory: Size! Size! SIZE!  Time: Computationally intensive operations  What kind of representations to use?  How to optimize logic to target the technology?

9 When Technology was PLAs….  Two-Level Logic Minimization: K-map type  F = a’bc + ab’c + abc’ + abc  F = ab + ac + bc  Fewer inputs = fewer transistors  Reduced Area AND Reduced Delay  Algorithmic Techniques:  Quine-McCluskey, Espresso, Signature-cubes

10 Then came CMOS Technology….  Salient Features:  Very high noise margins  Design Scalability  Enabled Standard Cell-based Design  Abstract Electrical Properties: Area-Delay  Fanout-Drive Scalability: X’sistor Sizing  Low (zero) Static Power Dissipation  Enabled Standard-Cell Place & Route  Estimates: Close to ~10% of actual layout  Cheap, Reliable, Scalable, low turn-aournd time

11 Multi-Level Logic Synthesis  F = ab + bc + ac  F = b(a + c) + ac  F = ab + c(b + a)  Problem: Area and Delay became dependent  Problem: How do you factorize?

12 Multi-Level Synthesis for CMOS  Synthesis Issues to consider  Objective: Minimize number of literals (area)  Delay: Depth of paths, fanouts, signal orders, arrival and required times….  Area  Delay became dependent  Factorization:  Extract common subexpressions  Fanout problems  Routing Difficulties  Optimization (instead of minimization) became the dominant issue

13 Don’t Cares came into Focus….  F = a(b+c)  When a = 0, (b + c) = Don’t care  D.C. = a’(b + c)? Not really….  How to “generate” D.C. set to optimize logic?  Problem: How do you factorize to create a good don’t care set ?  Problem: How to filter “bad” don’t care sets ?

14 Don’t Cares Computations…..  How to efficiently compute D.C.s and simplify ckt?  Image computations  Controllability and observability DCs  Propagate DC set across the circuit Input DC Image of the DC

15 Solution: Sequence of Optimizations  Script-based multi-level logic synthesis  Collapse the whole circuit into two-level logic  Apply K-map type two-level minimization  Perform Greedy Factorization  Compute Don’t Cares  Simplify with Don’t cares  Estimate area/delay, re-factorize if needed  Delay minimization: depth minimization, fanout adjustment, transistor sizing, buffer insertion….

16 Sequential Optimization  Behavioural Transformations s0 s1 s2 s3 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4  Behavioural Optimizations:  Code assignments: What is there effect on design?  S0 (00), s1(01), s2(10), s3(11)  S0(00), s1(10), s2(01), s3(11)

17 FPGA-based Logic Synthesis  Look-up Table based FPGAs  Optimizations Criteria:  Input-space Partitioning, Decomposition  Literal minimization does nothing here…..  Routing resources, congestion…… Look-up Table a b c f 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

18 The coming of age of Synthesis….  Power of multi-level logic synthesis  Two-level minimization: solved!  Good factorization techniques found  Good Boolean Decomposition techniques  Good representations: ROBDDs…..  Don’t care theory well understood  Technological challenges well understood (CMOS, FPGA, PLA, Memories….)

19 Some Problems Remain……  Limitations of conventional synthesis techniques  Sequential Optimizations not well understood  Perhaps the problem has become redundant?  Technology specific decomposition still needs some work  Not much support for hierarchical synthesis  No support for across the boundary optimizations  Power optimization at logic-level: NO IDEA!!  Effect of factorization on Placement & routing

20 New Challenges in Logic Synthesis  The problems of the future…..  Static CMOS: area-delay will become unacceptable  Layout is already becoming unsolvable  Static (leakage) power is increasing  Design granularity…. Large v/s small  Hierarchical synthesis will become a major issue  NOISE! Dynamic logic related….

21 New Technologies to Synthesize  Dynamic Logic  Problems: Domino logic is monotonic  Charge Sharing, leakage, noise….  Standard-cell based or macro-cell based?  Pass Transistor Logic (PTL)  All of the above problems  Signal degradation + restoration? s

22 Need of the Hour: I think……  Mixed Pass Transistor & Static CMOS Logic  Area reduction due to PTL  Delay reduction due to PTL & CMOS buffers  Signal degradation + restoration can be solved  Challenges:  Factorize to reduce noise  What to map on PTL and what to map on CMOS? s1s2 CMOS Gate Large fanout

23 Need of the Future: I think……  For new technologies, “nano”-type  Area/Delay estimation Rethink  Sequential Optimization will bounce back!  Binary valued logic to Multi-values Logic  Power has to be handled at logic level  Memory no problem…. But computation time….  Logic optimization for manufacturability…..  Structured Logic Decomposition for estimatable Placement and routing….  How about “Synthesis for verifiablity” ?

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