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Chapter 1 Review Game.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Review Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Review Game

2 Rules and Regulations Each team will select a captain for their group. The captain is the only person who can give an answer for a question. Once your captain’s hand goes up an answer must be given immediately.

3 Rules and Regulations If your answer is incorrect you will lose half the points the question is worth. (Example: correct answer 400 pts, wrong answer -200 pts) Each person on the winning group will have an option to either get a piece of candy or a bonus point on the test. If the game gets out of hand then we will simply take out our books and work on the chapter one review for the rest of class.

4 100 200 300 400 600 Decimals Add/ Subtract Dividing Decimals
Order of Operations Multiplying Decimals Dividing Decimals Metric Units 100 200 300 400 600

5 Decimals 100 1.5______1.43 Compare the decimals with <, >, or =
Answer: > BACK

6 Decimals 200 Order from least to greatest
8.32, 8.418, 8.08, 8.39, 8.18, 8.6 Answer: 8.08, 8.18, 8.32, 8.39, 8.418, 8.6 BACK

7 Decimals 300 Round the number to the nearest tenth 45.873 Answer: 45.9

8 Decimals 400 Order from least to greatest
1.92, , , 1.111, 1.8, 1.104, Answer: , , 1.104, 1.111, , 1.8, 1.92 BACK

9 Decimals 600 Round the number to the nearest hundredth 65,899.99567
Answer: 65, BACK

10 Add/Subtract Decimals 100
Solve BACK Answer: 7.98

11 Add/Subtract Decimals 200
Solve 6.43 – 3.27 BACK Answer: 3.16

12 Add/Subtract Decimals 300
Solve BACK Answer: 18.13

13 Add/Subtract Decimals 400
Solve 16.25 – 9.782 BACK Answer: 6.468

14 Add/Subtract Decimals 600
Solve Answer: BACK

15 Order of Operations 100 Solve – 9.09 BACK Answer: 2.58

16 Order of Operations 200 Solve x 3.5 BACK Answer: 37.39

17 Order of Operations 300 Solve 60 - (6.5 x 8.91) BACK Answer: 2.085

18 Order of Operations 400 Solve Answer: BACK

19 Order of Operations 600 Solve Answer: BACK

20 Multiplying Decimals 100 Evaluate 4.3 x 5.2 BACK Answer: 22.36

21 Multiplying Decimals 200 Evaluate 5.62 x 9 BACK Answer: 50.58

22 Multiplying Decimals 300 Evaluate 4.7 x 9.21 BACK Answer:

23 Multiplying Decimals 400 Evaluate the Expression 3.85 x 19.01
BACK Answer:

24 Multiplying Decimals 600 Evaluate 3.76 x 5.42 x 4 BACK Answer:

25 Dividing Decimals 100 7.9 ÷ 5 Evaluate the expression
BACK Answer: 1.58

26 Dividing Decimals 200 7.9 ÷ 25 Evaluate the expression Answer: .316

27 Dividing Decimals 300 .864 ÷ 3 Evaluate the expression Answer: .288

28 Dividing Decimals 400 6.74 ÷ .4 Evaluate the expression Answer: 16.85

29 Dividing Decimals 600 62.96 ÷ 2.5 Evaluate the expression
Answer: BACK

30 Metric Units 100 Convert 12 mL = ______ L Answer: .012 BACK

31 Metric 200 Convert 12 m = _________mm Answer: mm BACK

32 Metric 300 Fill in the blank with <, >, or = 1.5 m _____ 150 cm
Answer: = BACK

33 Metric 400 Convert 1.5 mL=_________L Answer: BACK

34 Metric 600 A truck weighs 3300 kg and a car weighs 700,000 grams.
How much more does the car weigh in grams? Answer:2,600,000 g BACK

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