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How to conduct an Academic Misconduct investigation in the FOA New policies and procedures effective September 2007 (Adapted for use in the FOA by Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "How to conduct an Academic Misconduct investigation in the FOA New policies and procedures effective September 2007 (Adapted for use in the FOA by Michael."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to conduct an Academic Misconduct investigation in the FOA New policies and procedures effective September 2007 (Adapted for use in the FOA by Michael Imort, based on a presentation developed by Mark Baetz)

2 Goals Clarify and standardize process and penalties Respect rights of those involved Track outcomes Reduce exposure to liability

3 Resources Familiarize yourself with the policies Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars Academic Integrity Website: Michael Imort, Associate Dean: Student Affairs (Faculty of Arts) Mark Baetz, Chair, Academic Integrity Committee

4 Step 1: Suspicion of Misconduct Begin process by documenting how you formed the suspicion: –Personal observation –Documentary evidence e.g., Turnitin –Other witnesses – written statement required It may only be a suspicion – you don’t have to be sure at this point Make notes immediately (save them) Begin to keep track of the time spent on the entire investigation

5 Step 2: Consult Chair Discuss your suspicions with the Chair/Program Coordinate Come to a consensus on whether or not an investigation should proceed If proceeding, complete top half of Form 1 Allegation of Academic Misconduct (in duplicate, available as form- fillable.pdf file on FOA web page under Academic Integrity) Contact student at official WLU e-mail Be brief – only indicate suspicion of academic misconduct with respect to particular assignment and request meeting within a week, (refer student to graduate or undergraduate calendar for information on process)

6 Step 3 – Meet Student Task # 1- Fact Finding: Don’t meet alone (include an uninterested witness) Meet each involved student individually (witnesses, co-conspirators etc; maintain integrity of the evidence) In order to encourage student candor –Use neutral language (non-accusatory) –Avoid emotion – anger… –Allow student time to speak

7 Step 3 (cont’d) Task # 2 - Make a Decision: Decide whether to proceed with investigation –Misconduct occurred - investigation continues –Not sure or more information required - investigation continues –Allegation unfounded – discontinue investigation –If discontinued – end of process Form 1 is securely filed in instructor’s files, destroyed at end of term

8 Step 3: (cont’d) If proceeding: Advise student of decision to proceed and what the next steps will be: –Case will be sent to Associate Dean for further processing –Student has one week to make a written submission to and/or meet with the Assoc Dean to discuss the allegations Complete bottom half of Form 1 (both copies) and recommend appropriate penalty (see Penalty Guidelines) –Suggested language for the section “Student responded as follows”: “Denied the allegation (entirely or partially)” “Admitted the allegation” “Admitted the allegation with the following explanation” (Possible explanations: didn’t know the rules, overwhelmed, fear, everyone does it…) Give student a copy of completed Form 1 and copies of the evidence Make notes after the meeting (witness as well)

9 Step 4: Follow up after meeting Advise the Chair of outcome of meeting Send second copy of Form 1 (including evidence) to the Associate Dean: Student Affairs (Faculty of Arts) At this point, the Associate Dean takes over

10 Step 5: Determination of Offence & Penalty The Assoc Dean determines whether it is a first or subsequent offence In the meantime, the student has one week to submit a written statement or request a meeting with the Associate Dean If first offence: –Assoc Dean confirms penalty with instructor and notifies student with Letter 1 of official penalty to be imposed If subsequent offence: –Assoc Dean meets with student, reviews the evidence, and determines penalty –Assoc Dean notifies student with Letter 1 of official penalty to be imposed –Assoc Dean offers student opportunity to submit a written statement within one week If applicable, Assoc Dean responds to the submission before proceeding

11 Step 6: Appeal Rights Students have a right to appeal so records must be kept Confidentiality must be respected Instructor may be involved in appeal through written submissions or (rarely) as witness Once all appeal periods have ended, the Assoc Dean files a Final Incident Report with Central Registry

12 Any Questions: Dr Michael Imort, Associate Dean: Student Affairs (FOA) – –Ext. 2785

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