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The Idaho Map of Standards for English Learners Product of Idaho State Board of Education © 2006.

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1 The Idaho Map of Standards for English Learners Product of Idaho State Board of Education © 2006


3 5 English Language Development (ELD) Levels 5 levels that reflect major steps in acquiring English as second language –Spanning grades K-12 Idahos labels: Fluent Early Fluent Intermediate Advanced Beginning Beginning Proficiency on LA Standards No English

4 LA Standards ELD Standards What all students are expected to know and be able to do ISAT: –Advanced –Proficient –Basic –Below Basic What all English Learners are expected to know and be able to do… at each level IELA: –Fluent –Early Fluent –Intermediate –Advanced Beginning –Beginning Content Standards Content/Performance Standards

5 ELD Standards begin the journey to all core content Standards Math LA ELD Science

6 New Idaho ELD Standards Adopted August 2006 Developed by WestEd in consultation with Idaho panel of educators Process: 1.Identified most important LA Objectives for English learners 2.Created ELD Objectives from Beginning to Fluent levels 3.Matched ELD & LA Objectives in Map

7 ELD Standards LA 1.Reading Process 2.Comprehension /Interpretation 3.Writing Process 4.Writing Applications 5.Writing Components 6.Communication 1.Listening 2.Speaking 3.Reading 4.Writing

8 Understanding How to Navigate the Map ELD cluster = ELD Objectives that target the same concept/skill for Beginning to Fluent English learners (e.g., main idea) ELD clusters are matched to LA Objectives Select an ELD cluster (levels for your EL students) and matching LA Objective to teach and assess as an integrated, differentiated lesson

9 ELD and LA Objectives by Grade Level/Span Each grade level K-12 –Grades 9-12 or 9- 10 and 11-12 may have same Objectives Grade spans: –K-2 –3-5 –6-8 –9-12 Find in Map ELD Objectives LA Objectives

10 Labels Big Ideas Grade Span ELD Cluster #s ELD Levels Pagination restarts each grade span Simple Match

11 Summary ELD Clusters Matched to LA Objectives ELD Clusters Cluster = Beginning to Fluent Objectives about the same topic Each cluster has Big Idea (label) LA Objectives 1 or more LA Objectives matched to 1 ELD cluster (weak to strong) match – some LA Objectives closer match than others Heavy line across ELD and LA columns separates ELD-LA clusters

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