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Ch. 5 Glaciers & Ice Ages p. 124-140 guided notes.

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1 Ch. 5 Glaciers & Ice Ages p guided notes

2 Glaciers: a part of two basic cycles in the Earth system
Glaciers are a part of both the ________ cycle and _________ cycle Glacier Definition:

3 Glaciers: a part of two basic cycles in the Earth system
2 Types of glaciers 1) Valley, or alpine glaciers: _______________________________ _________________________________ 2) Ice sheets, or continental glaciers __________________________________ Other types Ice caps and piedmont glaciers

4 What kind of Glaciers cover these regions
What kind of Glaciers cover these regions? How are they different than the other type?

5 How Glaciers Move 2 Types of glacial movements Zone of fracture
Plastic flow: ___________________________ Slipping along the ground: _________________ Average rate of movements very slow up to ______ m a day Zone of fracture Uppermost _____ meters ____________form in brittle ice

6 Explain…where is it moving fastest? Why does it fracture on top?

7 Glacial Movement Glacial Budget: _____________________
___________________________________ Zones of a Glacier Zone of accumulation – Zone of wastage –

8 What causes the glacier to advance or retreat?
Figure 6.6

9 Glacial Erosion Glaciers erode by __________ – lifting of rock blocks
Abrasion: ___________________ Evidence of Abrasion: _______________ ________________

10 Glacial Erosion: Erosional Landforms
Landforms created by alpine glacial erosion: define and describe how formed Glacial trough/U-shaped valley:_________ Hanging valley: _________________ Cirque: _____________________ Arête:__________________ Horn:___________________ Fjord:___________________________

11 Label the Erosional landforms created by alpine glaciers
Figure 6.9 C

12 What causes glaciers to deposit material?

13 Glacial Erosion: Depositional Features
Types of glacial drift (sediment of glacial origin) ______ – material that is deposited directly by ice _______________ - sediment deposited by meltwater Glacial erratics: ______________________

14 What evidence is there that this is glacial till and not river deposited sediment?
Close up of pebble

15 Glacial Erosion: Depositional Features
Moraines :_________________________ How are each of the following formed? Types of moraines Lateral Medial End Ground

16 Glacial Erosion: Depositional Features
Define and explain the formation of each depositional feature Outwash plain Kettles Drumlins Eskers Kames

17 Label the depositional features
Figure 6.18

18 A drumlin in upstate New York… What might you look for on a topographic map of Wellesley to determine if we had any drumlins?

19 Glaciers of the Ice Age Alternative explanations given for glacial sediment:_______________________ _________________________ Glacial/interglacial cycles occur every __________ Our “Ice age” contained about _____ cycles Ice Age Began 2 to 3 million years ago Division of geological time is called the __________epoch Ice covered ______ of Earth's land area

20 Maximum extent of ice during the Ice Age: How do we know?
Figure 6.19

21 Causes of Glaciation Proposed possible causes
Plate Tectonics which could cause a climate shift by ______________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________ Variations in earth’s orbit which could cause a climate shift by______________________ ______________________________________

22 Variations in earth’s orbit
________________ hypothesis Shape (____________) of Earth's orbit varies Angle of Earth's axis (___________) changes Axis wobbles (_____________) Changes in climate over the past several hundred thousand years are closely associated with variations in Earth's orbit

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