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Authentic student participation in policy making - methodology & examples Power to Persuade Symposium The University of Melbourne 5 September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Authentic student participation in policy making - methodology & examples Power to Persuade Symposium The University of Melbourne 5 September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authentic student participation in policy making - methodology & examples Power to Persuade Symposium The University of Melbourne 5 September 2012

2 Benefits of engaging with young people  Supporting young people’s participation in decision- making about issues that affect them can result in services that are more effective, relevant and better able to meet their needs  Better quality, more relevant policies, services and projects  Open and inclusive decision making  Innovative solutions to issues  Increased awareness of issues that affect young people  Building trust between young people and authority.

3 How to engage with younger stakeholders  Use many of the same tools as you would for other groups  Consider your purpose and the outcomes you would like  Think about:  Empowerment  Purposeful engagement  Flexibility  Inclusiveness (adapted from Youth Affairs Council of Victoria – 2004)

4 Methods for engaging with young people  Student Action Teams  Student centred methodology  Based on teamwork  Occurs in a community setting, in a context of solving real problems.  Using online channels  Student centred methodology  Quick and cheap to set up  Will collect authentic responses  Can reach a broad cross-section of young people  Occurs in a community setting and in a context of solving real problems.

5 DEECD examples  Student Summit (2009)  Secondary school students created student cybersafety policy  Learning On Line Cybersafety Program (2010)  Student Action Teams promoted awareness of cybersafety in their school community  Listen 2 Learners (2010)  Students presented how they learn, communicate & collaborate to decision makers in gov’t, business, industry & the social arena  Digital Demons (2011)  Student Action Teams created online code of conduct for Melbourne Football Club  Our Voice Vic pilot (2011)  Rural and regional students consulted via social media

6 Student Summit

7 Listen 2 Learners

8 Digital Demons

9 Our Voice Vic Images from:,,

10 Questions?  For further information contact:  Innovation mailbox:  Karen Dowling:  Follow us on Twitter:  @innovatehereinnovatehere  @DEECDDEECD  @KazzaD1KazzaD1

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