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Dividing Decimals; Average, Median, and Mode

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1 Dividing Decimals; Average, Median, and Mode
Section 4.6

2 Objectives Divide decimals
Find the average, median, and mode of a set of decimals

3 Objective 1: Divide decimals

4 Objective 1 Decimal divided by a whole number
Decimal divided by a decimal

5 Objective 1 To divide two numbers
If the divisor is not a whole number, move the decimal point in both the divisor and dividend to the right as many places as needed to make divisor a whole number Place decimal point in quotient above decimal point in dividend Divide as if whole numbers Round to given place value if directed to Division of decimal by whole number Division by a decimal

6 Objective 2: Find the average, median, or mode of a set of decimals

7 Objective 2 To find the average To find the median To find the mode
Add the numbers Divide the sum by the number of numbers in the set To find the median List the numbers in order from smallest to largest If there is an odd number of numbers in the set, median is middle number If there is an even number of numbers, the median is the average of the two middle numbers To find the mode Find the number or numbers that occur the most If all numbers occur the same amount, there is no mode

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