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Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 1 Session 5 Association proposal: What is the priority for your association? Why is it important?

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Presentation on theme: "Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 1 Session 5 Association proposal: What is the priority for your association? Why is it important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 1 Session 5 Association proposal: What is the priority for your association? Why is it important? Who will be involved?

2 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings At the end of this session participants should be able to: Confirm the priority issue for their association to address via this proposal. Describe why this issue is a priority. Understand the difference between stakeholders and audience for their issue and identify who they would be. Identify other countries with a similar issue, for collaboration/partnership purposes. Outcomes for participants

3 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Achievable –realistic the context of your country and association and in time. Two-three years is realistic. Specific – for a broad area of need identify the best place to start and focus on a first step that will build a foundation for future work. Measurable – a proposal must be specific enough for outcomes to be measured. Areas of need suitable for a development proposal

4 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Better planning for your association through a more strategic approach Approaches for sustaining the association into the future Building membership Gaining support from government for the association’s work Areas of need – examples /1

5 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Better motivating and equipping people to progress the association’s agenda Improving access to information for specified underserved groups Improving professional practice Improving the role of the association in assisting libraries to promote and improve literacy Areas of need – examples /2

6 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Audience: People or groups who will be directly targeted by the proposal and who will benefit from it Who will need to be involved?

7 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Stakeholders: People or agencies who have some vested interest in the proposal Who will be involved?

8 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Who is the target audience of the project? Who will benefit? Who are the stakeholders? (Those with a vested interest) Which stakeholders might you collaborate with on your proposal? Who will be involved

9 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings What is the priority issue for your association? Why? Who is the target audience for your issue? (Who will benefit from the proposal. ) Who are the stakeholders? (Those with a vested interest in the proposal) Who are potential collaborators or partners? (From the list of stakeholders, who might you usefully work with on this project?) The development proposal handout

10 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Work in association teams 1. What is the priority issue for your association? Why? 2. Who is the target audience for your issue? (Who will benefit from the proposal. ) 3. Who are the stakeholders? (Those with a vested interest in the proposal) 4. Who are potential collaborators or partners? (From the list of stakeholders, who might you usefully work with on this project?) Activity – needs summary /30 mins

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