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Working Group 3 Thematic Clustering. VALUE ADDED of the thematic cluster approach Roles and Activities Information Sharing Networking Creating new partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 3 Thematic Clustering. VALUE ADDED of the thematic cluster approach Roles and Activities Information Sharing Networking Creating new partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 3 Thematic Clustering

2 VALUE ADDED of the thematic cluster approach Roles and Activities Information Sharing Networking Creating new partnerships (synergies) Gap Identification / sharing of members priorities Identify focus areas and collectively advance the implementation towards concrete results for the benefit of the countries Mobilise resources in support of focus areas

3 How will the thematic cluster approach work Guiding Principles Provide incentives for participation and contribution Benefit and build on existing networks and their activities (International, regional and national levels, agencies, platforms….) Avoid further layers of bureaucracy (avoid meetings for the sake of meetings) Avoid rigid process and build in flexibility to accommodate developments and evolving priorities Associating states with clusters (resources and conceptual support) Inter-cluster coordination to further realize synergies Voluntary participation Work to enhance integration between the International, Regional, National, Local levels

4 Some Preliminary Suggestions: Establish a network and facilitate on- going dialogue among the Members (electronic) Web-based information sharing (Member work plans, related activities, new partnerships and initiatives, gaps and areas of focus relevant to the cluster) Meetings on the margins as relevant

5 Role clarification Convener To ensure that all interested partners with relevant capacities are engaged in the clusters To facilitate the report of the cluster to the global platform and the PAC To facilitate inter-cluster coordination by participation in the MOB Other specific roles of the Convener to be determined by the clusters themselves Cluster Role Clarification for the Cluster: (See value add)

6 Role Clarification Secretariat Designate a dedicated staff member in support of each cluster Provide secretariat support to each cluster and the conveners Resource support to the cluster Promote the results in close collaboration with the clusters and give visibility to the work of the clusters

7 Outputs Gaps and needs identified Built upon priorities of action of Members to address target focus areas Alignment of Member plans and activities to advance focus areas for maximizing benefits at national level Resource mobilization for addressing gaps (focus areas) Consolidated reporting of the contributions of members and progress made for each cluster

8 Next Steps Upon the request of the Working Group, Secretariat will circulate the proposed table of cluster (workdoc 3.0) for comments on memberships in different clusters, and refining the priorities of each cluster Working Group noted that resource implications of the process should be addressed The Process and roles should be further explained within and across clusters

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