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Landforms Oceans Continents More Landforms Wisconsin 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Landforms Oceans Continents More Landforms Wisconsin 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms Oceans Continents More Landforms Wisconsin 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 A body of land completely surrounded by water.

3 Island

4 A body of land surrounded by water on three sides

5 peninsula

6 The low land between mountains or hills

7 valley

8 A large area of flat or gently sloping land

9 Plain

10 A deep valley with steep sides

11 canyon

12 The largest of the four main oceans

13 Pacific Ocean

14 The northern most ocean

15 Arctic Ocean

16 The ocean located on the western part of the United States

17 Pacific Ocean

18 The ocean located between Africa and Australia

19 Indian Ocean

20 The ocean that the Gulf of Mexico is part of

21 Atlantic

22 The continent we live on

23 North America

24 The continent that is also an island

25 Australia

26 The southern most continent

27 Antarctica

28 The largest continent

29 Asia

30 The continent with the world’s largest desert (The Sahara) and the longest river (The Nile)

31 Africa

32 A large stream of water that flows across the land into a large body of water

33 river

34 A natural elevation smaller than a mountain

35 Hill

36 A body of water that is completely surrounded by land

37 Lake

38 The highest kind of land

39 Mountain

40 The land along a sea, ocean or lake

41 Coast

42 The lake that borders Wisconsin to the east

43 Lake Michigan

44 The lake that borders Wisconsin to the north

45 Lake Superior

46 The state to the south of Wisconsin

47 Illinois

48 The capital of Wisconsin

49 Madison

50 The number of counties in Wisconsin

51 72

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