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LOGISTICS AND SCHEDULING Logistics and Scheduling for Itinerants Presented by Natalie Verta.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGISTICS AND SCHEDULING Logistics and Scheduling for Itinerants Presented by Natalie Verta."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGISTICS AND SCHEDULING Logistics and Scheduling for Itinerants Presented by Natalie Verta

2 MAKING CONNECTIONS Who to meet: School Principal Secretaries Guidance Counselor Teachers Nurse IU Service Providers Maintenance

3 THERAPY SPACE Meet with your school’s principal He/She will inform of classroom location For itinerants who do not have a designated classroom: Work to establish 2-3 different locations within the school to provide therapy By having a ‘back-up’ location, you can avoid confusion/disruption if the space becomes occupied at some point during the school year.

4 PARENT INFORMATION Develop a welcome letter that can be sent home over the first week of school. Share background knowledge When therapy sessions will begin Tidbits on what to expect from therapy Homework folder Importance of assignments T Include a copy of the media release form, which allows permission to videotape.

5 CASELOAD Familiarize yourself with the school’s therapy caseload May want to note the student’s grade, IEP goals/objectives, and service frequency Knowing individual services will be helpful when scheduling

6 SERVICE DELIVERY MODELS Therapy can be accomplished in a variety of ways: Direct Classroom Consultation Monitor

7 DIRECT THERAPY Individual or group session Occurs in an area designated for the specified therapy (e.g. speech room) Direct strategies and interventions are provided associated with goals from the IEP

8 CLASSROOM THERAPY Provided in classroom or school environment, such as cafeteria, playground etc. therapist teaches/co-teaches with input from other team members Focus on goals from the IEP related to the curriculum. Team members collaborate, plan lessons, share data, adjust instruction, and plan to enhance future learning.

9 CONSULTATION Periodic contact with students Includes meetings with IEP team members for a specified # of times/IEP year Assists the team in enhancing, supporting and maintaining a student’s skills

10 MONITOR Short observations of the student for a specified number of times per IEP year Obtain input from IEP team members regarding student performance This model of service delivery often precedes dismissal

11 GETTING STARTED In order to establish a schedule: Access the school’s student roster The secretary can provide this information Confer with teachers in order to develop a mutually acceptable time to see students Face to face Response form Blank schedule

12 IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS When scheduling block kindergarten times as a priority Kindergarten is only a half day program leaving little time in the day for core instruction Also consider students with IEPs as a priority IEP states a specified amount time in the learning support classroom.

13 TIME BLOCKS When generating your schedule consider: 30 minute lunch/day 30 minute prep/day 2.5 hours every Wednesday for evaluations and paperwork  Goal is to have 5 hours of therapy per day

14 INFORMING TEACHERS Many ways to share your schedule Give each teacher a copy with his/her students highlighted Letter/Note that includes the students receiving speech as well as the days & times they will be coming Helpful to include with student therapy schedule is a list of IEP goals This way the teacher is aware of what the student is working on.

15 ABSENCES If you know you are going to be out of the building: Inform teachers, principal, & secretaries May want to include information on when missed sessions will be made-up

16 BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Typically occurs in September (specific dates can be found on the district’s calendar) Important to attend Provides an opportunity for parent contact May want to visit classrooms particularly I.U. classes


18 Principal Can direct you to your classroom or work area LEA representative Assist with possible parent/teacher conflict

19 Guidance Counselor Usually in charge of forms for full special education evaluations Share insight on particular students May help in co- teaching social skills

20 Secretary Access to class roster and student information Communication link

21 Teachers In charge of delivering core curriculum & will inform you of acceptable therapy times Can help with generalization of skills May include therapist in a co-teaching model

22 Nurse Access to medical information Completes hearing and vision screening Handle paperwork for CAPD referrals

23 IU Service Providers Excellent support system Colaborate and share ideas Carryover of skills

24 What should you be sure to have when setting up your therapy schedule?

25 When scheduling you will need: Student roster Indicates student, grade, and classroom Acceptable times on when to see students for therapy Talk with teacher Fill in times on a blank schedule Complete a form/checklist

26 What are some important things to remember when developing your schedule?

27 Who should have priority Kindergarten students Have such a short amount of time in school Students with IEPs Will have designated frequency of service in other supports E.g. Learning Support

28 Once your schedule is complete, who and how should/could you share this information?

29 Share with teachers, secretaries and principal Print copies of your schedule and highlight students in a particular classroom Create a template that lists the student(s), therapy day(s), and time(s)

30 Time alottments Remember: You have 30 minutes for lunch/day You have 30 minutes for prep/day 2 hour block for testing and report writing

31 Don’t worry! There are plenty of supports for help All will be done in due time Take a deep breath….you will be fine

32 Any questions?

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