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Take notes on your handout

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1 Take notes on your handout
Parts of Speech Review Take notes on your handout

2 Nouns Nouns : Persons, places, things or ideas.
Example: girls, school building, blanket, and thoughts Proper nouns: Must be capitalized, naming very specific persons, places, things or ideas. Example: Maya Angelou, Boston, Verizon, etc.

3 Adjectives Adjectives: Describe nouns.
They also answer one of 3 questions: How many? Which one? What kind? Example: colorful skateboard, fascinating teacher, creative presentation

4 VERBS Verbs: Describe actions. There are 3 different kinds
Action Verbs: running, pass, catch Linking verbs connect ideas: any form of “to be” (am, is, are) Adverbs: Describe verbs, adverbs or adjectives. For example: She ran quickly. He is extremely intelligent.

5 Pronouns and Prepositions
Pronouns: Replace nouns Example: him, her, it, etc. Prepositions: shows relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence Example: over, under, through, around, beside

6 Conjunctions and Interjections
Conjunctions: join words or groups of words Example: and, or, for, nor, but Interjections: exclamatory word that shows emotion Example: Ouch! Hey!

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