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The Eukaryotes 12a: Protozoans. Eukaryotes in general cells chromosomes made of chromatin cell division: mitosis & cytokinesis (if) sexual reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eukaryotes 12a: Protozoans. Eukaryotes in general cells chromosomes made of chromatin cell division: mitosis & cytokinesis (if) sexual reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eukaryotes 12a: Protozoans

2 Eukaryotes in general cells chromosomes made of chromatin cell division: mitosis & cytokinesis (if) sexual reproduction meiosis fertilization


4 Kingdom Protista highly diverse; may be more than 1 mostly unicellular 2 “lifestyles” photoautotrophic: algae chemohetero & often mobile: protozoa

5 Protozoa nutrition trophozoite vs. cyst “free-living” vs. parasite Protozoa locomotion cilia/flagella/amoeboid flow by vector Protozoa life cycle & reproduction asexual: fission, budding, coenocyte, schizogony

6 budding coenocyte schizogony

7 Protozoa nutrition trophozoite vs. cyst “free-living” vs. parasite Protozoa locomotion cilia/flagella/amoeboid flow by vector Protozoa life cycle & reproduction asexual: fission, budding, coenocyte, schizogony sexual: gametes, zygote Protozoa habitat

8 Eukaryotic Life Cycles/Histories and some protists (adult) Spores


10 P: Fornicata Diplomanada = diplomonads: Giardia lamblia


12 P: Parabasala Trichomonas vaginalis


14 P: Euglenozoa/phyta Euglenids Euglena

15 Secondary endosymbiosis

16 Kinetoplastids trypanosomes = hemoflagellates Trypanosoma brucei gambiense T. brucei rhodesiense T. cruzi

17 mucocutaneous form cutaneous form Kinetoplastids trypanosomes = hemoflagellates Leishmania also a visceral (organ-attacking) form


19 Alveolates P: Ciliophora = ciliates Didinium Paramecium

20 ciliate conjugation

21 Vorticella

22 Alveolates P: Apicomplexans

23 Plasmodium P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale & P. malariae

24 Cyclospora cayetensis

25 Toxoplasma gondii

26 Alveolates P: Pyrrophyta = Dinoflagellates red tide Peridinium

27 long exposure from Vieques Island, PR At UCSB 2003 Lingulodinium/Gonyaulax

28 Alexandrium -> PSP Karenia/Gymnodinium breve -> NSP Pfiesteria -> PEAS


30 Cercozoa P: Foraminifera (forams) CaCO 3 shells

31 Cercozoa P: Radiolarians silica shells


33 P: Amoebozoa = amoebas ery/pondscum/protozoa/amoeba/index.html

34 Acanthamoeba

35 Naegleria fowleri

36 EID: Balamuthia mandrillaria

37 Plasmodial slime mold: Physarum

38 Cellular slime mold: Dictyostelium

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