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Spanish Regional cuisine -GALICIA- -. Shellfish & Seafood Galicians or Gallegos as they are called in Spanish are not rich people and because of the rugged.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Regional cuisine -GALICIA- -. Shellfish & Seafood Galicians or Gallegos as they are called in Spanish are not rich people and because of the rugged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Regional cuisine -GALICIA- -

2 Shellfish & Seafood Galicians or Gallegos as they are called in Spanish are not rich people and because of the rugged landscape and rough weather, they use every bit of what they grow or catch, including using shells as fertilizer for the soil. All sorts of fish are caught and eaten in Galicia, including gooseneck barnacles, called percebes, oysters or ostras, scallops or vieiras, mussels or mejillones, clams or almejas, razor shell clams or navajas and heart clams or berberechos to name a few. Learn about all different kinds in the article about Spanish Seafood.

3 Vegetables The region of La Limia is known for its potatoes. Several varieties are grown there, but most people simply call them either la roja, red potato, or la blanca, white potato. La blanca is soft and mealy and is used to make the famous cocido gallego that we mentioned above, as well as other stews.

4 Octopus Octopus is popular in Galicia. Prepared a feira, the octopus must be pounded well to make it tender. Then, it is cooked whole and cut into pieces and seasoned with olive oil, paprika and salt. It is traditionally served on rustic wooden plates. This tapa is popular all over Spain and outside of Galicia is called Pulpo Gallego - Galician Style Octopus.

5 Empanada Gallega The empanada, which in English is called a meat turnover, “pasty” or meat pie. There are lots of different fillings, including meat, fish and vegetables. The ingredients of the fillings are chopped finely and mixed with lots of onion and some spices, then spread between two layers of pastry. Finally, it is baked and served hot. It is said that even in the XII century, pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela had already heard of empanadas and asked for them by name. Since they are an easy meal for a traveler to take with them, and empanadas are filling and tasty, this makes perfect sense.

6 Lacón con Grelos This may be the most famous dish of Galicia. Lacón is boiled meat from the front leg of a pig. Grelos are the leaves of turnips. The lacón and grelosare then boiled together and served with sausage and potatoes.

7 Vieiras Vieiras or sea scallops are abundant on the shores of Galicia and their shells are worn by pilgrims on the Way of St. James, who make the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. First, a mixture is made of onion, parsley and breadcrumbs. Then, the scallop, still in its own shell is covered with the mixture and baked. Finally, it is served in its own shell.

8 Caldo Gallego – Galician Broth This soup is a very common dish in Galicia. Cabbage, potatoes and beans make the basic version of the broth. Many times ham, sausage and pork are added to make a filling main course.

9 Pimientos de Padrón Pimientos are peppers and pimientos de padrón are tiny peppers about 2 inches long that are considered a delicacy by not only the Galician people, but many tourists who taste them as a tapa, fried in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt.

10 Tarta de Santiago – St. James' Cake This cake is named after St. James, the patron saint of Spain. It is a rich, heavy cake made of ground almonds, decorated with powdered sugar and the sword of St. James or a cross. Although the exact origin of this cake is unknown, it is thought that a pilgrim may have brought the recipe to Galicia during a pilgrimage.

11 Hope you enjoy it If you want to eat this delicious food, come to Galicia, you will love it!

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