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Positive Behavior Support: Response to Intervention

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1 Positive Behavior Support: Response to Intervention
Florida's PBS Project Overview Positive Behavior Support: Response to Intervention University of South Florida 2009 Leon County Schools - January, 2008

2 Florida’s PBS Project Our Mission What we do…
Increasing the capacity of Florida’s school districts to address problem behavior using positive behavior support. What we do… Provide training and technical assistance to districts across the state in the development and implementation of positive behavior supports at all Tiers.

3 Time Cost of a Discipline Referral (Averaged to 45 minutes per incident)
1000 Referrals/yr 2000 Referrals/yr Administrator Time 500 Hours 1000 Hours Teacher Time 250 Hours Student Time 750 Hours 1500 Hours Totals LOST! 3000 Hours

4 Federal & State Support
Intervention of choice in IDEA 2004 Supports NCLB Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act* Florida’s EBD Rule, 2007 Florida’s Bullying & Harassment Prevention policy, 2008 RtI: Universal (Tier 1) intervention Evidence-based Higher levels of PBS includes Tiers 2 & 3 Data-based, structured problem-solving process

5 Three-Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-solving Process
Florida's PBS Project Overview Three-Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-solving Process ACADEMIC SYSTEMS Tier 3: Comprehensive & Intensive Students who need individualized interventions. Tier 2: Strategic Interventions Students who need more support in addition to the core curriculum. Tier 1: Core Curriculum All students, including students who require curricular enhancements for acceleration. BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Students who need individualized intervention. Tier 2: Targeted Group Interventions Students who need more support in addition to school-wide positive behavior program. Tier 1: Universal Interventions All students in all settings. Leon County Schools - January, 2008 5

6 Core Principles of PBS Team process Facilitated leadership
School and district action planning Data-based decision-making Flexibility with fidelity of implementation Working smarter, not harder Emphasizing prevention, teaching and effective consequences

7 PBS is RtI for Behavior Referred to as PBS Referred to as RtI Behavior
Academics Referred to as RtI 3 tier system established to provide support for students struggling with behavior/academic issues Tier 1 = School-Wide/Universal Tier 2 = Targeted Group/Supplemental Tier 3 = Individual/Intensive Regardless of student problem, i.e., behavior, academic or combination, schools utilize a problem solving process to assess, intervene, monitor and evaluate interventions across 3 tiers.

8 PBS and Response to Intervention
Florida's PBS Project Overview PBS and Response to Intervention Tier 1 School-Wide PBS, Classroom PBS Universal screening Integrity of PBS system use Tier 1: SW-PBS Classroom PBS Universal Screening Tier 2 Exposure to SW system Social Skills groups Targeted “standard” interventions More frequent progress monitoring Problem Behavior Continues Tier 2: Targeted Groups Tier 3 Individual PBS Specific, individualized interventions based on FBA Frequent progress monitoring Consideration of special education, alternative setting Tier 3 Individualized, Intensive Support Leon County Schools - January, 2008

9 Florida's PBS Project Overview
Problem Solving Steps Step 1: Identify the Problem What’s the problem? Step 4: Evaluate the Plan (Response to Intervention) Step 2: Analyze the Problem Why is it happening? Is it working? Step 3: Develop and Implement the Plan What do we do about it? How do we do it? Leon County Schools - January, 2008

10 Tier 1 Example

11 Average Referrals per Day per Month
Florida's PBS Project Overview Average Referrals per Day per Month Leon County Schools - January, 2008

12 Average Referral Per Day Per Month
Florida's PBS Project Overview Average Referral Per Day Per Month What patterns do you see? What trends are apparent? How do months compare across years? What other info might you want? Leon County Schools - January, 2008

13 Florida's PBS Project Overview
Referrals by Location Leon County Schools - January, 2008

14 Referrals by Location by Behavior
Florida's PBS Project Overview Referrals by Location by Behavior Hallway / Breezeway Leon County Schools - January, 2008

15 Referrals by Location by Time
Florida's PBS Project Overview Referrals by Location by Time Hallway / Breezeway Leon County Schools - January, 2008

16 Referrals by Location by Grade
Florida's PBS Project Overview Referrals by Location by Grade Hallway / Breezeway Leon County Schools - January, 2008

17 Referrals by Grade from 7-8:30 a.m.
Florida's PBS Project Overview Hallway / Breezeway Leon County Schools - January, 2008

18 Step 1: Identify the Problem
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 1: Identify the Problem Step 1: What is the Problem? OBSERVED: Fighting in the hall first thing in the morning by 6th and 7th graders EXPECTED: Identify desired behaviors Link to school-wide expectations and hallway rules Students will treat each other with respect (polite language, no physical interaction, stay to the right of the hallway); be prepared and safe Leon County Schools - January, 2008

19 Step 2: Analyze the Problem
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 2: Analyze the Problem Step 2: Why is the problem happening? EXAMPLE: The problem is occurring because no specific hallway rules, morning/arrival procedures, 6th and 7th graders have not been taught expectations, no rewards, no supervision, additional training. Review/Gather additional information to validate hypothesis or causes Which hallways? Supervision in hallways? Has there been efficient teaching of expectations/rules and procedures? Which students? Leon County Schools - January, 2008

20 Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan Brainstorm intervention strategies (Link what we’ve learned during Step 2 to what we’re going to do) Link the intervention to the data reviewed/gathered: If _________would occur, then the problem would be reduced. Then, vote on the intervention Brainstorm strategies to overcome top 2 barriers identified Develop a specific plan with delineated responsibilities Include goals and progress monitoring plan Leon County Schools - January, 2008

21 Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan Brainstorm strategies related to identified causes Revise hallway rules Restructure early morning procedures Teach explicitly to 6th & 7th graders Increase rewards for expected behaviors Utilize peer mediation program Additional training and supervision in hallways Competition for greatest decrease in ODRs in the hall Survey students about hallway climate Leon County Schools - January, 2008

22 Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan EXAMPLE: If increased recognition of appropriate hallway behavior would occur, then the problem would be reduced. Vote on strategies Recognize appropriate hallway behavior Establish goals Teachers give out 30 “Stamps”/tokens each week for appropriate hallway behavior Leon County Schools - January, 2008

23 Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 3: Develop & Implement the Plan Establish action steps to implement Review revised hallway procedures plan with staff at staff meeting Tuesday (Principal) Post new procedures and copy each teacher by Monday morning (Mr. First) Create skit with Drama Club to run on new show starting Monday (Mrs. Ashley) Monitor Review data at next meeting Review implementation steps list Check feedback box from staff Leon County Schools - January, 2008

24 Step 4: Evaluate the Plan Is It Working?
Florida's PBS Project Overview Step 4: Evaluate the Plan Is It Working? Progress Monitoring and Response to Intervention: Examine data and make decisions: Ask… Did we meet the goal? Did we do what we agreed, the way agreed, for as long as we agreed? Do we need to modify current plan or develop a new plan? Do we need to develop a plan to maintain or fade out the intervention if it was successful? Consider reviewing/revising problem definition and hypotheses if intervention isn’t working with the problem-solving team Leon County Schools - January, 2008

25 Tier 2

26 Identification of Students for Tier 2
ODR data are not sufficient to identify students needing more support at Tier 2 Recommended that multiple sources of data (ODR, referrals, nominations, standardized screeners, etc.) be used to ID students. FLPBS project can provide information on standardized screeners, efficient nomination processes, and tracking systems for students.

27 Florida's PBS Project Overview
Tier II: Behavioral Intervention/Support 1 - 5% Tier II - Assessment Behavioral Observations Intervention Data (peer group comparison) Tier II - Targeted Interventions Targeted Group Interventions Social Skills Training Small Groups Tiered Discipline Programs 10-15% % Tier I Assessment Tier I - Core Interventions % % 27 Leon County Schools - January, 2008 27

28 Core Components of Tier 2
Continuous availability, Rapid access (within 72 hr), Very low effort by teachers, Consistent with school-wide expectations, Implemented by all staff/faculty in a school, Flexible intervention based on assessment

29 Core Components of Tier 2
Match between the function of the problem behavior and the intervention, Adequate resources for implementation (weekly meetings, plus 10 hours a week), Student chooses to participate, and Continuous monitoring of student behavior for decision-making.

30 Secondary Interventions
Behavior Education Program/CICO Social Skills—Skillstreaming Problem-Solving, Conflict Resolution I Can Problem Solve (elementary) Prepare (secondary) Anger Management, Violence Prevention Second Step Bullying—Steps to Respect

31 Training Support at Tier 2
Provided by FLPBS:RtIB Project Practice with problem-solving process Practice with data-based decision-making Evaluation and use of Tier 1 and classroom supports Establishing a progress monitoring system Establishing a Tier 2 process at the school Team Decision points Tracking and communication Specific training on BEP/CICO system

32 Progress Monitoring FLPBS:RtIB Project provides…
Progress monitoring tool for array of Tier 2 interventions, Decision rules for Tier 2, and Tracking system for communicating outcomes for all students on Tier 2 support Practical experience supporting hundreds of schools at Tier 2 implementation

33 Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004)
Florida's PBS Project Overview Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) Points Possible: __72___ Points Received: __55__ % of Points: __76__ Goal Achieved? Y N Daily Progress Report Name: ______Don Kincaid________________ Date: __2/1/08______ Rating Scale: 3=Good day 2= Mixed day 1=Will try harder tomorrow GOALS: HR 1st 2nd 3rd 4th L 5th 6th BE RESPECTFUL 2 BE RESPONSIBLE 3 BE PREPARED 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 Teacher Comments: I really like how… ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature(s) and Comments: _______________________________________________ Leon County Schools - January, 2008 33

34 Sample Excel Form for Tier 2 Daily Progress Monitoring Report

35 Evaluation of Tier 2 Schools can utilize the Benchmarks of Quality for Tier 2 to evaluate implementation fidelity of each Tier 2 intervention in the school Progress monitoring and tracking system can identify if Tier 2 interventions are being effective

36 Florida's PBS Project Overview
Tier III of Behavioral Intervention/Support Tier III: Assessments FBA Progress Monitoring Graph/RtI (Eligibility Assessment) Tier III: Individualized Interventions Behavior Intervention Plan Individual Counseling Self-Monitoring 1 - 5% 1-5% Tier II Assessments Behavioral Observations Intervention Data Gap Analysis Tier II Targeted Interventions Targeted Group Interventions Social Skills Training Small Groups 10-15% % Tier I Assessments Discipline Data (ODR) Benchmark Assessment Universal Screening Tier I Core Interventions School-wide Discipline Positive Behavior Supports Whole-class Interventions % % 36 Leon County Schools - January, 2008 36

37 Identifying Students at Tier 3
Students for whom secondary supports are not enough (poor response to intervention) Students with severe and chronic behavior High ODRs ESE services or placement High scores on screeners NOT just for students who have been identified as ESE eligible.

38 Components of Tier 3 Support
Clear FBA and BIP process that meets the needs of all students Collaborative problem-solving approach Clear intervention goals that address problem behavior, appropriate behavior and lifestyle issues A progress monitoring system for each student and all students Decision points and data-based decisions

39 Components of Tier 3 Support
An effective FBA process Appropriate, multi-component BIPs matched to function Contextual fit and coaching Measurements of the fidelity of intervention implementation Matching complexity of problem to differing level of Tier 3 support

40 Resources from FLPBS Project for Tier 3
FLPBS does not provide training to individual schools in Tier 3 because: Tier 3 supports and systems are generally provided or developed at the district level Impacting practice of Tier 3 at the school requires impacting the systems of support for Tier 3 at the district level

41 District Level Support for Tier 3
FLPBS Project can: Review practices and products to determine a need Identify areas of strength or need Provide evidence-based practices, forms, materials, etc. Target training and TA to those areas Consider systems changes that may promote implementation

42 Progress Monitoring FLPBS Project provides…
Progress monitoring tool for array of Tier 3 interventions, Decision rules for Tier 3, Fidelity measure (BoQ 3) for Tier 3 supports Process for review of FBA and BIP products Tracking system for communicating outcomes for all students on Tier 3 support Practical experience supporting hundreds of students at Tier 3 implementation

43 Tier 1 Training Consists of lecture, video of Florida’s implementing schools, team activities, and action planning FREE OF CHARGE to districts School Administrator required to participate during entire training District Coaches trained to provide additional assistance Ongoing technical assistance provided across year

44 Professional Development “Train & Hope”
Florida's PBS Project Overview Professional Development “Train & Hope” The traditional approach to professional development is “Train & Hope.” Schools react to a problem, choose a new practice to add to their current array of practices, get some expert help, hope people will use it, and wait for a new problem (or the old problem) to emerge. With SW-PBS, we want to change how schools use professional development: Use data to make informed decisions about which of their strategies to keep, which new strategies to incorporate, seek help as it’s needed, implement, & evaluate. There’s constant data-based evaluation, and constant revision of processes and procedures. Everything schools do, they do b/c they have evidence that it helps with their goal. This reflects a systems perspective. A “system” is much more effective and efficient than the traditional “grouping” of people and practices that share a school building. Leon County Schools - January, 2008 44

45 Contact Flow Chart PBS Project Contact District Coordinator Coach


47 Number of Schools Trained (As of December 2008)
Florida's PBS Project Overview Number of Schools Trained (As of December 2008) 6 Pre-K schools 253 Elementary schools 116 Middle schools 45 High schools 49 Alternative/Center schools 32 Other (e.g. K-8) 501 TOTAL SCHOOLS Up until this past year, the majority of schools going through SW PBS were elementary schools. As we’ve gone through this process with middle, high, and center schools, we’ve been able to identify different kinds of issues these different populations have to work with. As you’ll see through the data I’m about to share, SW PBS can be effective at each level of education Leon County Schools - January, 2008

48 State Level Outcomes




52 School Level Outcomes

53 Elementary School

54 Middle School

55 No DATA because school does not use ISS.
Alternative School No DATA because school does not use ISS.

56 High School

57 Getting Started… Commitment from District
Commitment from School Administrator(s) Acceptance for participation from FLPBS Completed New School Packet prior to determined deadline District determination of funding to support schools Discuss possible TRAINING DATES

58 Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project
Contact: Karen Childs, M.A. Phone: (813) Fax: (813) Website:

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