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Water cycle Recreation Industry Agriculture Aquatic Ecosystem Streamflow reduction activity Irrigation with waste Industrial discharge Impeding the flow.

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Presentation on theme: "Water cycle Recreation Industry Agriculture Aquatic Ecosystem Streamflow reduction activity Irrigation with waste Industrial discharge Impeding the flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water cycle Recreation Industry Agriculture Aquatic Ecosystem Streamflow reduction activity Irrigation with waste Industrial discharge Impeding the flow Industrial pollution and Solid waste disposal Recreation Disposal of heated water Discharge of Water found underground Altering The banks of A watercourse Storage Waste water Treatment works PowerStation Mining Borehole Drinking water Nitrates and other agrochemical pollution Transpiration Evaporation Condensation Rainfall Run-off Infiltration WATER CYCLE Domestic 5 Water users 11 Water uses Potential impacts 10 Abstraction Treated water

2 Deter mine Resour ce Quality VISIONING CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Determine (set) RQOs Determine (set) Reserve MANAGEMENT CLASS II Protected Water Resource I (Special) Protected Water Resource IV Acceptable Quality Water Resource Good Quality Water Resource III Department: Water Affairs and Forestry DIRECTORATE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Sub-Directorate Management Systems June 2001 I = IDEAL, A = ACCEPTABLE, T = TOLERABLE, U = UNACCEPTABLE, A,B,C,D,E,F = ECOLOGICAL CATEGORIES RQO = RESOURCE QUALITY OBJECTIVES DETERMINE RESOURCE QUALITY OBJECTIVES SECTION 13 (1)(b) CATCHMENT FORUMS CATCHMENT ASSESSMENT STUDY Categorise (or assess) the Reserve ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT BASIC HUMAN NEEDS COMPONENT ABCEDF IATU “BULK” DOMESTIC AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY RECREATION IATU IATU IATU IATU Categorise (or assess) the user requirements 11

3 DETERMINE RESOURCE QUALITY OBJECTIVES SECTION 13 (1)(b) Department: Water Affairs and Forestry DIRECTORATE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Sub-Directorate Management Systems June 2001 RWQOs = RESOURCE WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES, SMOs = SOURCE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES (WQ) CMS = WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT COMPONENT OF THE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Monitor Section 137 (1) Institute Single Source Interventions Audit What are the goals? What has to be done ? Who, How & When will they do it ? Determine incremental RWQOs Determine incremental SMOs Develop sectoral WQM plans Develop single source WQM plans (WQ)CMS AUTHORISATION SECTION 40 ESTABLISH WATER QUALITY CMS SECTION 8 (1) 12

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