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SWARM INTELLIGENCE Sumesh Kannan Roll No 18. Introduction  Swarm intelligence (SI) is an artificial intelligence technique based around the study of.

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Presentation on theme: "SWARM INTELLIGENCE Sumesh Kannan Roll No 18. Introduction  Swarm intelligence (SI) is an artificial intelligence technique based around the study of."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWARM INTELLIGENCE Sumesh Kannan Roll No 18

2 Introduction  Swarm intelligence (SI) is an artificial intelligence technique based around the study of collective behavior in decentralized, self-organized systems.  Introduced by Beni & Wang in 1989.  Typically made up of a population of simple agents.  Examples in nature : ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding etc.

3 Intelligent Agents  An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through effectors.

4 Rational Agents  Rationality - expected success given what has been perceived.  Rationality is not omniscience.  Ideal rational agent should do whatever action is expected to maximize its performance measure, on the basis of the evidence provided by the percept sequence and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has.  Factors on which Rationality depends Performance measure (degree of success). Percept sequence (everything agent has perceived so far). Agents knowledge about the environment. Actions that agent can perform.

5 Structure of IA  Agent = Program + Architecture  A Simple Agent Program.

6 Simple Reflex Agents  Follows Condition-Action Rule.  Needs to perceive its environment completely.

7 Model Based Agents  Need not perceive the environment completely.  Maintains an internal state.  Internal states should be updated.

8 Goal Based Agents  Makes decisions to achieve a goal.  More flexible.

9 Utility Based Agents  A complete specification of the utility function allows rational decisions in two kinds of cases. Many goals, none can be achieved with certainty. Conflicting goals.

10 Environment  Accessible vs. Inaccessible  Deterministic vs. Non-deterministic  Episodic vs. Non-episodic  Static vs. Dynamic  Continuous vs. Discreet

11 An Environment Procedure

12 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)  First ACO system- Marco Dorgo,1992  Ants search for food.  The shorter the path the greater the pheromone left by an ant.  The probability of taking a route is directly proportional to the level of pheromone on that route.  As more and more ants take the shorter path, the pheromone level increases.  Efficiently solves problems like vehicle routing, network maintenance, the traveling salesperson.

13 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)  Population based Stochastic optimization technique.  Developed by Dr. Eberhart & Dr. Kennedy in 1995.  The potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles.  Applied in many areas: function optimization, artificial neural network training, fuzzy system control etc.

14 Swarm Robotics  Most important application area of Swarm Intelligence  Swarms provide the possibility of enhanced task performance, high reliability (fault tolerance), low unit complexity and decreased cost over traditional robotic systems  Can accomplish some tasks that would be impossible for a single robot to achieve.  Swarm robots can be applied to many fields, such as flexible manufacturing systems, spacecraft, inspection/maintenance, construction, agriculture, and medicine work

15 Applications  Massive (Multiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment) Software. Developed Stephen Regelous for visual effects industry.  Snowbots Developed Sandia National laboratory.

16 References

17 Thank you

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