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Pulmonary edema DaYea Song.

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Presentation on theme: "Pulmonary edema DaYea Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pulmonary edema DaYea Song

2 What is Pulmonary Edema?
“Pulmonary Edemas is fluid accumulation in the lungs, which collects in air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult to breath”. – Medical News Today

3 Symptoms Anxiety Cough Dizziness Easy Fatigue / Weakness
Anxiety Cough Dizziness Easy Fatigue / Weakness Low blood oxygen level Rapid breathing (Tachypnea) Shortness of breath Examination with a stethoscope Abnormal lung sounds

4 Causes Cardiogenic Causes Non-Cardiogenic Causes Heart failure
Respiratory distress syndrome Kidney failure Brain trauma Blood clot (pulmonary embolism)

5 Treatment Depends on the cause and severity Medications
Diuretics (water pills) Heart failure Antibiotics Hospitalization and the use of intravenous diuretic medications

6 Prevention Avoidance Of: Heart disease / attacks
Slow elevation to high altitudes Drug overdose

7 Bibliography Medicine
May Clinic Medline Plus Medicine News Today

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