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 Define: Coup – envoy- bankruptcy  Identify: Election of 1988 – George H.W.Bush- START – Lech Walesa- Boris Yeltsin – Gen. Manuel Noriega- Saddam Hussein.

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Presentation on theme: " Define: Coup – envoy- bankruptcy  Identify: Election of 1988 – George H.W.Bush- START – Lech Walesa- Boris Yeltsin – Gen. Manuel Noriega- Saddam Hussein."— Presentation transcript:

1  Define: Coup – envoy- bankruptcy  Identify: Election of 1988 – George H.W.Bush- START – Lech Walesa- Boris Yeltsin – Gen. Manuel Noriega- Saddam Hussein – Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf- Balkans War-

2  Rep.- George H. W. Bush / Dan Quayle “Read my lips – no new taxes”  Dem.- Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen  Bush wins – 426 electoral votes to 112  Democrats still control House and Senate

3  1988- Gorbachev stressed a “new world order”  People around the world want independence, democracy, and social justice  Continue programs on arms control  1991- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) destroy tanks and other nuclear weapons  Soviet people endured shortages of food, basic items – expressed dissatisfaction of Communist rule

4  Soviet satellite nations begin to demand change  POLAND Lech Walesa, leader of Solidarity ( labor union of shipyard workers) – led reform movement – will eventually have open elections in June 1989. Other Eastern European countries had demonstrations – opened borders Nov. 1989- Berlin Wall torn down – iron curtain concept begins to disappear. 1990 East & West Germany reunite

5  Gorbachev faced opposition within – hard-line communists in military and secret police resisted change – Aug. 1991 staged coup – held Gorbachev captive –ordered soldiers to seize parliament building.  Pres. Boris Yeltsin stated democracy would win – Pres. Bush would support. Gorbachev released  Soviet republics (15) declared independence- Yeltsin outlawed the Communist Party  Dec. 25, 1991- end of Soviet Union  Spring 1992- Pres. Bush and other leaders pledged $24 billion in aid to former Soviet republics.

6  Pres. Bush declared war on drugs – affected Bush’s policy in Central America  Gen. Manuel Noriega – corruption and political repression – charged with drug trafficking in 1988- refused to yield power to newly elected president, Guillermo Endara  Dec. 1989 Bush ordered US troops to overthrow Noriega- surrendered – later convicted in US court

7  Pres. Bush former CIA director- envoy (diplomatic representative ) to China in 1974  May 1989 Chinese students and workers demonstrated for democracy – China’s gov’t sent troops in Tiananmen Square killing hundreds.  Bush avoided criticism to keep trade with China.

8  Aug. 2,1990 – Iraq’s Saddam Hussein sent army into oil rich Kuwait –  Pres. Bush and other nations joined Operation Desert Shield- troops sent to Saudi Arabia to prevent invasion  Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf commanded coalition forces – UN gave deadline of Jan. 15, 1991 to withdraw or allies would use force.  Iraq refused –allies launched Operation Desert Storm on Jan.16 th.


10  Allies used laser-guided missiles –bombing to destroy Iraq’s air defense and military targets  Late Feb. allies began ground war –within a week, Iraq accepted allied cease- fire terms – pulled out of Kuwait. Iraqi troops set fire to oil wells as they fled.  US celebrated success – Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Schwarzkopf and Pres. Bush soared in opinion polls.

11 YUGOSLAVIA 1991 – Republics of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence. Croatia & Bosnia populated by Serbs – fought to hold on to areas – thousands died in civil war. Atrocities committed outraged world leaders. 1992- United Nations passed resolution placing boycott on trade with Serbia until the fighting stopped.

12  Pres. Bush faced banking crisis – Reagan’s term had cut regulations, easing restrictions on savings and loan associations  (S&L)- financial institutions that specialized in making loans to buy homes.  New laws allowed S&L managers to offer attractive returns to savers for making risky loans. When borrowers could not repay loans, real estate values dropped.  S&L companies lost money – gov’t had to pay out billions to customers of failed institutions. Eventually, this cost gov’t $500 billion.

13  Federal debt rose – business and personal debt grew – by 1990, US in recession.  Many people and businesses declared bankruptcy ( condition of being unable to pay one’s debts - selling off everything they owned to pay debt)  Job losses – military cutbacks hurt economy  People asked gov’t to stimulate economy – Pres. Bush refused; however, he extended unemployment benefits

14  1989- Created Office of National Drug Control – provided federal agencies to stop drug war.  1990- Clean Air Act  1991- Americans with Disabilities Act Law - combating job discrimination- required institutions to provide disabled people with easier access to workplaces, communications, transportation, and housing

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