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Black Fly -Simulium colombaschense- Mr. Connelly Period 4.

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1 Black Fly -Simulium colombaschense- Mr. Connelly Period 4

2 Black Fly- General Body Plan (Larvae) HEAD ABDOMEN THORAX

3 Black Fly- General Body Plan (Adult) HEAD ABDOMEN THORAX WINGS

4 Black Fly- Structure 1 Mouthparts: – Used for biting prey – Extend from mouth and act similar to a shovel – Digs into the skin of other organisms to draw blood – Feeds on this blood for nourishment – Blood contains an anticoagulant

5 Black Fly- Structure 2 Eyes: – Used to view world around organism – Contains over 4000 lenses on each eye – Poor vision, however flies can detect movement quite well – Can see sharp for roughly 23-36 inches

6 Black Fly- Structure 3 Antennae: – Used for sensing and “smelling” the world around the fly – Also used for communication between flies

7 Black Fly- Structure 4 Wings: – Used for flight – Beats at roughly 200 times per second (3 times faster than a humming bird) – Flies only have 2 wings (most other insects have 4)

8 Black Fly- Structure 5 Legs: – Used for adhesion and movement while on surfaces – Each leg is covered in a sticky substance used to cling to a surface and allows the fly to hang upside down

9 Black Fly- Feeding Method Type: – “Filter Collector” (Larvae) – “Shredder” (Adult) The Black Fly (Larvae) would be considered a “Filter Collector”. It clings to surfaces with its mouth open and filters food out of the water. The Black Fly (Adult) would be considered a “Shredder” due to its feeding method. It will stab into a host (using shovel like appendages) and cause blood to be drawn. -Black Fly Larvae-

10 Black Fly- Feeding Structure The mouth of a Black Fly contains 3 shovel like appendages which are used to stab a host’s flesh and release a saliva. This saliva contains an anticoagulant which stops blood clotting. The fly will then suck up the blood using a tongue- like structure.

11 Black Fly- Prey Larvae – Feeds off of micro- organisms found in the water – EX: Water Fleas Since the Black Fly feeds off blood, there is a large range of prey. Some usual prey include: – Horses – Cows – Most Mammals – Even Humans!

12 Black Fly- Microenvironment Larvae – Type: Pool – As a larvae, this specimen is often found attaching itself to the bottom of a creek bed thus making it a benthic organism. Adult – Type: Universal – As a flying organism, the Black Fly adult can be found near ponds or creeks and is not limited to one microenvironment.

13 Black Fly- Microenvironment Larvae Adult

14 Black Fly- River Continuum Type: Headwaters & Mid-Order – Being a collector, the Black Fly larvae can be found anywhere between the headwaters and mid-order of the waterway. – The adult can be found almost anywhere along the creek.

15 Black Fly Larvae- Pollution Tolerance Type: Pollution Tolerant – The Black Fly larvae can be found in waters ranging from clean to highly polluted. – If they are the only organisms found in a stream it is considered to be unhealthy.

16 Black Fly- Metamorphosis Type: Complete Metamorphosis – The Black Fly goes through a complete metamorphosis during its life cycle. – It starts as a larvae, turns into a pupa, and finally into an adult.

17 Black Fly- Life Cycle

18 Black Fly- Reproduction After the males mate with the females they die. The females will produce 200-500 eggs – Laid in water or near the water. – Hatch roughly 4-30 days afterwards

19 Black Fly- River Blindness When Black Flies bite, there is a chance they may transfer a deadly parasite with the wound. – They carry larvae form a parasite Onchocerca volvulus a worm which can cause blindness and skin lesions if bitten enough times.

20 -Works Cited-

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