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The Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) & Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI): AN EFFECTIVE NEW APPROACH TO STUDENT LEARNING AND TEACHER TRAINING.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) & Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI): AN EFFECTIVE NEW APPROACH TO STUDENT LEARNING AND TEACHER TRAINING."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) & Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI): AN EFFECTIVE NEW APPROACH TO STUDENT LEARNING AND TEACHER TRAINING Empowering Teachers …Leading Change

2 New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning

3 New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Robert Goodman, Ed.D. NJ Center for Teaching and Learning & Bergen County Technical HS - Teterboro

4 The US faces a serious challenge in math and science education US student achievement is considered internationally uncompetitive The US percentage of the worlds scientists and engineers is shrinking Two useful reports: Rising above the Gathering Storm and The Perfect Storm

5 Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) & Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI) PSI initially developed for teaching HS science to students PSI extended to creating new HS science teachers PMI developed using PSI Methods: For teaching K-12 mathematics to students

6 The Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) Began 10 years ago by the teachers at Bergen Tech in Teterboro, NJ Well documented results Doctoral dissertation, peer reviewed journal article, ongoing evaluation

7 AP Performance and International Competitiveness 1995 TIMSS Results - Physics

8 AP Exams as a Goal Provides a standard metric Recognized by K-12, colleges & universities, students and parents Correlated to international competitiveness Gives students access to top colleges & universities plus scholarships

9 AP Science Exams Taken (2010 - School versus Normed State)

10 AP Science Exams Passed (2010 - School versus Normed State)

11 Math SAT Scores (School versus State)

12 PSI - PMI Methods Curriculum Pedagogy Assessment Strategies Technology Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Pacing

13 Curriculum PSI Course Sequence: Grades 9 – 12

14 Curriculum PSI Course Sequence: Minimal Version

15 Curriculum Traditional Course Sequence

16 Pedagogy Social Constructivism PLUS Direct Instruction

17 Pedagogy Social Constructivism Round Tables Group Problem Solving Heterogeneous setting

18 Pedagogy Direct Instruction SMART Notebook presentation SMART Response Formative Assessment Teacher as part of social group

19 Assessment Strategies Grades based only on what students know and can do – Tests, quizzes and labs Retakes for all assessments Grades are not subjective Correlated to End of Course Tests (APs, EOC Algebra I, Common Core, etc.)

20 Assessment Strategies SMART Responders Anonymous student polling during class to guide instruction

21 Direct Instruction Direct Instruction: Adding Decimals

22 Direct Instruction Example: Adding Decimals

23 SMART Response


25 Classroom Technology Computer and Printer SMART board with Projector SMART Responders Round Tables and chairs

26 All PSI course materials are posted on this site Teachers can freely access all of them Students can freely access all but assessments





31 All course materials are posted Open Source Approach - Free access to all 50,000+ hits per month 5000+ unique visitors per month, and growing (worldwide )

32 Collaboration Through Learning Communities Shared materials on Interschool communication Teaching and Learning shared virtually

33 Critical Shortage of Science Teachers PSI has shown all students can learn science. We believe all teachers can learn science PSI teaches science to skilled teachers. The goal is to get the best teachers to become the best science teachers: Teaching is hard; science is easy

34 Kean – CTL Endorsement Program Teachers are taught the science content, and how to teach it Teachers are provisionally authorized to teach a first level PSI course Teachers take advanced courses while teaching the first course

35 NJCTL Creates Science Teachers

36 Completing Soon 60 additional teachers – chemistry and physics 6 school districts 35 Schools: 21 current + 14 additional Now teaching about 4000 students physics or chemistry

37 Provides Access to Rigorous Courses New PSI Physics Teachers: Taught physics to 1200 urban students last year who wouldnt have had access otherwise Are teaching more than 7000 students this year 1/3 of students taught last year requested to take AP Physics B the next year, along with Chemistry

38 Newark Physics Teachers (PSI began in 09-10)

39 AP Physics Participation Technology High School – Newark, NJ (School versus Normed State) # students

40 Technology High School – Newark, NJ Math SAT Scores

41 In the News New Jersey teachers shift to physics to address shortage By Jeanette M. Rundquist NEWARK -- Emmanuel Ikheloa stood at the front of a Newark classroom, carefully measuring a glass marble and a metal spring. Then, with a "ready, set, go!" he flicked the trigger on a table-top marble launcher and sent the small ball flying across the room. Star Ledger - October 24, 2009 Teacher finds a solution to our science problem BY Stephanie Akin The Record STAFF WRITER A new way of teaching physics developed by a Bergen County teacher could offer a solution to American students' poor performance in math and science. Bergen Record – March 6, 2010 N.J. educator develops new formula for teaching physics An award-winning teacher in New Jersey's Bergen County has developed a way to teach physics that relies heavily on algebra, allowing physics to be taught before biology and chemistry. Robert Goodman's physics curriculum is being piloted in 21 New Jersey schools and is becoming a national model for science education. March 11, 2010

42 The Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI)

43 Middle Schools Mathematics Program Began 4 years ago with three Middle Schools: Deptford, Egg Harbor and Lawrence Its goal was to increase the number of students completing Algebra I by the end of 8 th grade Student performance on the Accuplacer was used to measure Algebra I achievement

44 Egg Harbor City Arithmetic Accuplacer Scores

45 Egg Harbor City Algebra Accuplacer Scores

46 The Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI) PSI approaches were used to develop two courses: Pre-Algebra and Algebra Combines content developed by six middle schools with the methods proven within PSI Will measure results with NJ EOC Tests: ASK tests and EOC Algebra I test

47 The Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI) PSI methods were first used to develop two courses: Pre-Algebra and Algebra Being piloted now with positive anecdotal evidence Will measure results with NJ EOC Tests: ASK tests and Achieve EOC Algebra I test

48 The Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI) Algebra II and Pre-Calculus being piloted now College Algebra being piloted at Kean University Being extended to K-5 Mathematics by June 2011 - Common Core aligned K-12 to be completed with AP Calculus and Geometry during Summer 2011



51 PSI and PMI are Solutions That the U.S. faces serious challenges in math and science education is well understood There has been much concern, but fewer solutions PSI and PMI represent those solutions

52 Progressive Teaching Initiatives Interest has been expressed in using PSI and PMI Methods for other subjects: PTI Literacy History Global Studies Music Engineering Extension of PTI to other subjects areas has broad potential The only limits are time, money and imagination

53 New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Robert Goodman, Ed.D. NJ Center for Teaching and Learning & Bergen County Technical HS - Teterboro

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