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MOODLE MAKEOVER Using Moodle for Staff Development.

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Presentation on theme: "MOODLE MAKEOVER Using Moodle for Staff Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOODLE MAKEOVER Using Moodle for Staff Development

2 Purpose & Objectives  Participants will learn tips for establishing Moodle as a district-wide staff development model  Participants will gain knowledge of activities and resources available to enhance a Moodle staff development course  Participants will review strategies for incorporating more dynamic, usable content into a Moodle course

3 Motives  Stepping stone to online learning  Model classroom use  Centralized location  Archived course materials  Participant reference  New course instructor  Easily replicated, updated, or modified

4 Vision  Create a consistent instructional delivery model for all district-level staff development  Create a collaborative workspace for school staff members

5 /staffdev

6 Steps in Adoption Establish Establish training cadre Standardize Standardize training courses Train Train principals, administration staff, staff developers, building technology leaders Use Use selected staff courses as models for others Encourage Encourage staff participation in staff courses

7 Workflow Online survey Staff development forms Survey or notification Action file Manual option Course creation Action file Email notification User access

8 District-Level  Metacourses for district-wide initiatives  Controlled content through parent courses  Principals facilitate discussions and submissions in building-specific child courses

9 District-Level  Book Studies  National Board candidates  Instructional coaches  Librarian collaboration  Technology integration tools  Partnerships with outside agencies

10 Outcomes  Standardized training  Scaffolded instruction  District-wide collaboration  Increased awareness of technology tools Principals Teachers Students

11 Building-Based  Training  Housekeeping  Collaboration

12 Announcements  Three places at once  News archive

13 Materials Distribution  One repository  24/7 access  Most common documents

14 Pre-Discussions  Save valuable meeting time  Allow everyone a chance to process or share  Come prepared to vote

15 Surveys  Quick set-up  Fast data analysis  Buy-in

16 Links to Resources  One-stop shopping  Fewer emails  Suggestion without words

17 Meeting Minutes  All staff members access  History/restore options  Enhanced communication

18 Groups  Sort feedback  Track participation  Team decision making

19 Outcomes  Efficiency  Less redundancy  Centralized repository  Anywhere, anytime access

20 Powerful Content  Videos  Wikis  Glossaries  Blogs  Portfolios

21 Videos  Embed within Moodle  Add guiding question and link to reflection

22 Videos

23 Wikis  Shared content without pitfalls  History  Fetch Back  Browse by author  Online access = more frequent use  Additions from members outside team

24 Meeting Minutes

25 Glossary  More than just a list of words  Q&A  Discussion-based  Collaborative  Jigsaw  Random Glossary Block

26 Blogs  Content reflections  Team  Grade level  Content  Professional growth  Certificated Assessment Model

27 Portfolios  Moodle 2.0 Integration  Teacher unit sharing  Certificated Assessment Model  Instructional coaching

28 Coming Soon  Staff Development Options  Online learning  Hybrid courses  “On Demand” learning

29 Final Brainstorm  NCCE Moodle Course  Collaborative effort  One topic per session  Resources, links, notes  Discussion reflection

30 Recommendations  Talk to the support team to make sure your plan is scalable and supportable  Recruit and train core users who have greatest impact  Utilize a peer-to-peer training model  Allow freedom of access to the tools

31 Questions?

32 Presenters  Becky Keene  One-to-One Program Specialist  Kent School District   Emrie Hollander  One-to-One Program Specialist  Kent School District 

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