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Sodium Requirements: There is no specific RDA for sodium –because almost everyone consumes too much. The Suggested Human Needs = 5 grams of salt, –> 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Sodium Requirements: There is no specific RDA for sodium –because almost everyone consumes too much. The Suggested Human Needs = 5 grams of salt, –> 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sodium Requirements: There is no specific RDA for sodium –because almost everyone consumes too much. The Suggested Human Needs = 5 grams of salt, –> 2 grams of sodium, per day. Real need may be only about 0.5 gram

3 Need for Sodium Osmolarity of Blood –Hormones control concentration of blood Aldosterone increases salt reabsorption Vasopressin causes more water uptake –increases blood volume/pressure Absorption of other nutrients –secondary active transport –intestine and kidney Nerve signals

4 Secondary Active Transport

5 Australian Health Recommendation Healthy adults should reduce their sodium intake no more than 2400 milligrams per day. about 1¼ teaspoons of sodium chloride (salt). 1/4teaspoon salt=500 mg sodium

6 How to reduce dietary sodium Choose fresh, frozen or canned food items Select unsalted nuts or seeds, dried beans, peas and lentils. Avoid adding salt and canned vegetables to homemade dishes. When dining out, be specific Request your dish to be prepared without salt. Learn to use spices and herbs to enhance the taste of your food.

7 Salt is a risk factor only in conjunction with Other Minerals Electrolytes–potassium, calcium and magnesium. Balance of these interacting electrolytes more important than the amount of any one of them, – including sodium.

8 Benefits of Lowering Blood Pressure If we could lower the U.S. population's average blood pressure by just 2 mm/Hg, We could decrease the risk of fatal heart attacks by 4% –(19,417 lives saved). We could cut stoke deaths in middle age by 6% –(8,608 lives saved). Thus, we could extend useful lives and save millions if not billions of $$$


10 Ratio of potassium to sodium in your diet. This ratio can be in imbalance by excessive consumption of sodium, The ideal potassium to sodium ratio is 5:1, Most Australians have a ratio of 1:2, i.e. They consume twice as much sodium as they do potassium.


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